Noxes   Hickory, North Carolina, United States
My name is Noxes experiment 629. I am a keyblade weilding; fun loving gamer who loves playing online games and meeting online people that may/may not become my friends lol. I am known to be very HYPER and very fun to be around in general lol. A few people say I make the games even funner lol

<---- The guy on my Avatar is Mozart. He is disgusted at the fact that you live...

Mozart is the evil version of my experiment self, Noxes. Mozart's goal in life is to kill every living thing in the world because he says that they are all flawed in one way, shape, or form. O well right? lol Dont worry about him lol, its not like he can be released into one of the games right?... RIGHT!? It would however, be a blast if he were on the games. He can shoot a dark energy lol ... how would that fare against the zombie hordes of L4D? AAANYWHO lol, he is my spray paint in the game aswell =p. The spray of Mozart was made by me and is kalled "YOU DISGUST MOZART!" because he looks kinda disgusted either by you or the zombies lol

I have a few other experiments and etc but youd have to be my friend, a very good one not just a gamer I play online with, to know them.

The games I currently own/play for Steam that are Multiplayer are:

-Left 4 Dead

Other Multiplayer games that I own but are not of Steam are:



-Halo Custom Edition
Currently Offline
Spotty 17 Apr, 2009 @ 9:12am 
And you are DA BOMB XD hello good friend,we used to be enimies,but i become friends with all of my enimies XD :3 see ya later