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Pubblicazione: 19 mar 2020, ore 12:45
Aggiornata: 20 mar 2020, ore 2:58

MEGALOASUKA - 对于未来的文学界而言,Disco Elysium*可能*将跻身于二十一世纪第二个十年中最伟大的文学作品行列,与《看不见的城市》《我的名字是红》《哈扎尔辞典》和《万有引力之虹》等等一系列大师作品齐名。对于CRPG而言,Disco Elysium的系统*彻底*地颠覆且革新了原有的RPG游戏机制,使用了经典的桌游机制,却通过扎实的写作功力,创造了多种“自洽式”的行为模式,将人类社会中的思潮与观点浓缩于文本之间,让这个世界成为了一个真正鲜活的有机体。对于我个人而言,这*就是*2019年的GOTY。

循循善诱 [容易:成功] - 事实上,如果你具有能够正常地进行文学批评的知识储备和阅读量,对于社科有基本的认知,且持左翼政治立场,甚至对先验主义和超自然主义感兴趣,喜欢阿尔普、米罗、艾伦斯待、达利、马格里特、夏卡尔等的绘画的话,Disco Elysium会带给你更多*其他游戏无法替代*的价值。这部分价值对于确立*你自己*的价值观和哲学基本思辨有着决定性的意义。

标新立异 [极难:失败] - 还有齐泽克,你看看补HP用的药都是鼻通灵。

MEGALOASUKA - Disco Elysium的生动描述,使得任何一个对*文化*敏感的,善于阅读的人都可以从中找出自己的韵味来。游戏本身并不吝啬于表达创作者本身的观点,但对于玩家而言,其操纵的角色就如同第一个支线的墙壁一样,杂乱却如同白纸一般,需要玩家自己动手涂满颜色,成为完整的人,直面玩家“自己”痛苦不堪又令人怀念的真实。

从容自若 [极难:成功] - ZA/UM最令人敬佩的地方,在于其勇敢地表达出了自己共产主义(“康米主义”=Communism)的思想,在公开的、无耻的、直接的、露骨的资产阶级剥削和个人自由主义横行的当下,向主流文化挥动红色的大旗。并且他们夺取了高地,获得了尊敬,得到了胜利。ZA/UM将“电子游戏”这一消费主义产物作为载体,擦亮了辩证唯物主义的武器。在今天,他们就是最勇敢的人。

同舟共济 [极难:成功] - 在中文版更新通告中,ZA/UM更是直接表达了对于中国这一可能是最后传承了马克思主义火种的国家的期许和警告 -



- 东欧人民在后苏联时代的迷茫和分崩离析,在Disco Elysium中深刻展现,一览无余。在这封“苏联寄出的最后一封信笺”里,中国人应当看出对未来反社会主义渗透的警告 - 事实上,这样的事情正在发生。 - 这也正是Disco Elysium中文化的成功将会给我们带来巨大启示的原因。

MEGALOASUKA - GOTY颁奖时,ZA/UM说,“我们感谢所有伟大先哲带给我们的影响:伊利亚·列宾、弗拉基米尔·马科夫斯基、维克多·崔,以及马克思和恩格斯在政治理念上的启迪。” Disco Elysium正是这样一个站在先哲的肩膀上的伟大作品,使得其必将被未来世界的历史所铭记。 -

- 将严肃内容与哲学思考娱乐化是消解反抗和自省的最好办法,在“极乐的迪斯科”时代之下,我们更应当感谢这个ZA/UM和轻语工作室带给我们的东西。它就是砸在游戏里大吵大闹的毛孩子身上的一记重拳——你有54%的可能会自己摔倒,士气大减,但你仍要用46%的概率挥出重拳。

平心定气 [挑战:成功] - 这很难做到,但是我们一定会做到。


MEGALOASUKA - For the literary circles in the future, Disco Elysium *may be* will among the greatest works in the second decade of the 21st century, as well as a series of masterpieces such as Invisible Cities, My Name is Red, Dictionary of the Khazars, Gravitys Rainbow, etc. As a CRPG, Disco Elysium's system *completely* subverts and innovates the original RPG game mechanism, which uses the classic board game mechanism, but through solid writing skills, creates a variety of "self consistent" behavior patterns, condenses the thoughts and views in human society between the texts, and makes the world a real living organism. For me personally, this *is* 2019's GOTY.

SUGGESTION [Easy: Success] - In fact, if you have the knowledge reserve and reading capacity to carry out yourselves literary criticism, have a basic understanding of Social Sciences, hold a left-wing political position, and even are interested in Transcendentalism and Paranormalism, Disco Elysium will bring you more value *that no other game can replace*. This part of value is of decisive significance for the establishment of your own values and basic philosophical speculation.

CONCEPTUALIZATION [Hard: Failed] - And Zizek, all the drugs for HP are for rhinitis.

MEGALOASUKA - Disco Elysium is so vivid that anyone who is sensitive to *culture* and good at reading can find their own charm from it. The game itself is not stingy to express the creator's own views, but for the players, the characters they manipulate are like the first branch wall, messy but white paper. It requires the players to paint all colors by themselves, and become a complete person, facing the painful and memorable reality of the players themselves.

COMPOSURE [Hard: Success] - The most admirable thing about ZA/UM is that it bravely expressed its communist thought and waved a red flag to the mainstream culture in the open, shameless, direct and explicit bourgeois exploitation and personal liberalism. They have taken the Highlands, they have gained respect, they have won. ZA/UM takes the "video game" -- a product form consumerism -- as a carrier and polishes the weapon of dialectical materialism. They are the bravest people.

ESPRIT DE CORPS [Hard: Success] - In the Chinese version of the update notice, ZA/UM directly expressed the expectations and warnings for China, which may be the last country to inherit the seeds of Marxism -

"We grew up by reading Soviet science fictions, looking forward to a new life in the future, and then witnessed the collapse of the Union."

"The metropolis experienced different stages of baptism, from the fall of the royal family to the failure of the revolution. Now, it is controlled by the so-called foreign free market alliance. People struggle to survive in poverty and lose themselves in the collision of different political views. It's not a happy place, but we'll never know it again.”

- The confusion and disintegration of the people of Eastern Europe in the post Soviet era has been deeply demonstrated in Disco Elysium. In this "last letter from the Soviet Union," the Chinese should see a warning about future anti socialist infiltration - in fact, this is happening. -This is the reason why the success of Chineselization of Disco Elysium will bring us great enlightenment.

MEGALOASUKA - At the TGA awards, ZA/UM said, "We thank all the great philosophers for their influence on us: Elijah Repin, Vladimir Makowski, Victor Trey, and Marx and Engels for their inspiration in political ideas." Disco Elysium is such a great work standing on the shoulders of sages that it will be remembered by the history of the future world. -

- Entertaining the “serious content” and “philosophical thinking” is the best way to dispel resistance and introspection. In the era of "Elysium", we should thank ZA/UM and Qingyu Studio for what it has brought us. It's a punch on the noisy kid Cuno in the game - you're 54% likely to fall down and lose your morale, but you still have 46% to punch THEM down.

VOLITION [Challenge: Success] - It's hard to do, but we will.
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