28476 steam users blocked   Abbeville, Louisiana, United States
2 units Tartars (cavalry and infantry total)
4 units Swiss Pikemen (armored and unarmored total)
5 units Knights for Crusader States (Limit 1 per order; 2 for Templar for confrere) + 1 Men at Arms
6 units Knights/Nobles/Men at Arms and 2 units Ritterbruder Limit for HRE
6 units Knights/Men at Arms/Nobles/Novgorod+Kiev Boyars/Novgorod+Kiev Druzina/Ducal/Banderium/Heavy Swordsmen/Mercenary Knights
[cavalry+infantry total; you can't have 6 dismounted and 6 cavalry]
7 units Sipahis/Iq'tadar for Seljuk Sultanate (Turks)
10 units Knights for Teutonic Order
10 units Mercenaries for All Factions
10 units Foot Archers
15 units Horse Archers

1) Knights of Santiago and Knights of Montesa reserved for battle against the Moors only.
2) HRE cannot recruit Ritterbruders and Burgher Pikemen when fighting against the Teutonic Order.
3) Bodyguard cavalry units are usually knights/nobility.
4) Ghazis/Mutatawii’a can only be used against Christian factions.
5) Cannot recruit both Royal Guard and Royal Guard Cavalry. You can, however, recruit both the Royal Guard and a Bodyguard unit.
6) Heavy swordsmen are usually from the knightly class. Check the unit descriptions.

1) Take turns attacking and defending.
2) Attacker cannot camp, unless he is thinking/planning or resting his units.
3) Attacking with artillery counts as attacking.
4) Defender can attack anytime. After all, a solid offense can be a good defense.
5) Admit defeat instead of disconnecting if you have to leave mid-game.
6) No corner camping red boundaries. You can camp terrain as defender or attacking with artillery.

1) Ghazis/Mutatawii’a can only be used against Christian factions.
2) Knights of Santiago and Knights of Montesa reserved for battle against the Moors only.
3) Cannot recruit both Royal Guard and Royal Guard Cavalry. You can, however, recruit both the Royal Guard and a Bodyguard unit.
4) HRE cannot recruit Ritterbruders and Burgher Pikemen when fighting against the Teutonic Order.
We are the Chosen
記録時間: 1.1 時間
2022年1月2日 に最後にプレイ
記録時間: 1.9 時間
2021年10月9日 に最後にプレイ
記録時間: 1.5 時間
2021年10月9日 に最後にプレイ
oBruhWinFree 2020年7月19日 18時38分 
Are you ok? I hate it when people on my friends list just disappear
Lennnnnayyyyyyyyy 2020年2月22日 20時44分 
Absolute based madlad :steamhappy:
[K]ast 2020年2月22日 18時39分 
Niklas Denhaus rejected my duel for 1v1 in NTW. Therefore, I win by forfeit. I am now the number 1 headband.
Lennnnnayyyyyyyyy 2020年2月22日 18時31分 
absolute impersonator!!!!
󠀡|| Remo || eXistenZ || 2019年2月16日 4時48分 
(゚、 。7
 l、 ~ヽ
 じしf_, )ノ :Neko: ~~ Neko 猫娘! ~~ :catpaw:
[K]ast 2019年1月27日 3時32分 
I am back to total war.