Tom Puckett   United States
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llamaswillbemine 18 Apr, 2022 @ 9:00pm 
Wats wats we awe the wats
cewebwating yet anothew biwthday bash

Michaew iwt's youw biwthday today
cake awnd ice cweam iws own iwt's way

awnd Michaew bewn such a good boy thiws yeaw
open up youw gifts whiwe we aww cheew
llamaswillbemine 9 Oct, 2021 @ 9:00am 
Once upon a midnyight dweawy, whiwe i pondewed, weak awnd weawy,
ovew many a quaint awnd cuwious vowume of fowgotten wowe,
whiwe i nyodded, nyeawwy nyapping, suddenwy thewe came a tapping,
as of sowme onye gentwy wapping, wapping at my chambew doow.
"'tis sowme visitow," i muttewed, "tapping at my chambew doow-
onwy thiws, awnd nyothing mowe."
llamaswillbemine 31 Jul, 2021 @ 4:38pm 
Aftew a wong day of wowk, Kanye West goes tuwu his Kanye Nyest tuwu take his Kanye West. He wakes up feewing his Kanye Best. Then he’ww get Kanye Dwessed on his Kanye Vest tuwu go on a Kanye Quest. He goes tuwu chuwch and becomes Kanye Bwessed, then tuwu a hotew woom tuwu be a Kanye Guest. Then tuwu schoow tuwu take his Kanye Test. He fowgot tuwu bwush his teeth. Did he wun out of Kanye Cwest? His nyeighbow stowe it, what a Kanye Pest.
llamaswillbemine 11 Jun, 2021 @ 4:44pm 
My gwandfathew smoked hiws whowe wife. I was abouwt 10 yeaws owd whewn my mothew said tuwu him, 'if uwu evew wawnt tuwu see youw gwandchiwdwen gwaduate, uwu have tuwu stowp immediatewy.' Teaws wewwed up in hiws eyes whewn he weawized whawt exactwy was at stake. He gave iwt up immediatewy. Thwee yeaws watew he died of wung cancew. Iwt was weawwy sad awnd destwoyed me. My mothew said tuwu me- 'don't evew smoke. Pwease down't put youw famiwy thwough whawt youw gwandfathew put us thwough." I agweed. At 28, I have nevew touched a cigawette. I must say, I feew a vewy swight sense of wegwet fow nevew having done iwt, because youw Wocket Weague gamepway gave me cancew anyway.
llamaswillbemine 16 Jul, 2019 @ 3:51pm 
SOWWY BUT IM DEWETING YOU FWOM MY WIFE >w< *cwicks dewete* WOADING... ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓ 99%. EWWOW >w< It is impossibwe to dewete ouw fwiendship. You
mean so much to me.
llamaswillbemine 10 May, 2019 @ 6:48pm 
God is dead. God wemains dead. And we have kiwwed him. How shaww we comfowt ouwsewves, the mwuwdewews of aww mwuwdewews? What was howiest and mwightiest of aww that the wowwd has owned has bwed to death undew ouw knives. Who wiww wipe this bwood off us? What watew is thewe to cwean ouwsewves?