I'm a fuel-injected suicide machine.
I am a rocker! I am a roller!
I am an out-of-controller!
I am the chosen one,
the mighty hand of vengeance...
sent down to strike the unroadworthy!
I'm hotter than a rolling dice.
Step right up, chum, and watch the kid...
lay down a rubber road right to freedom!
Currently Offline
Gun Moll 12 Aug, 2015 @ 4:28am 
omgosh .. well thank you so much for listening to our podcast bubba !! so glad you enjoyed it !! its a lot of fun to participate in :] andy and jeff do one every sunday evening and it has progressed from just podcast to video podcast that they do live on youtube / twitch .. and then wednesdays are the mixed bag where my brother in law, amanda, and i join in !! thanks for the support !! hope you're doing well !! :]
Abra Cadaver 6 May, 2015 @ 10:12am 
23 Apr, 2012? last comment posted? ... well.. we'll just have to see about that..
Lukifer 28 Jun, 2011 @ 2:57pm 
Whenever you get a chance, check out the new Tribes game coming out. It's going to be FtP too.