Ñęmęşïş Prímę aka ẞætrìzè SëÞhírân aka Víktö   United States
As times have changed since Aggro (game monster anger or aggression) was first used, it has been updated to include WAggro (Wife Aggro), Haggro (Husband) and a launder list of others, it has been decided that the acronym needed to be updated so as to reflect the current state of the online gaming community. In the future please use the gender non-specific and updated version of this term known as SAggro (Spouse Anger or Somebody Anger). Although some of the other acronyms may be better known, we as a community must take into account those of us with other life situations. There might be any number of reasons where the anger is coming from a person other than a wife. Rather than have several different terms which identify or try to categorize the other person, simply use SAggro as the non-specific version because the bottom line is simple. You have to go AFK for a bit to deal with some trivial nonsense when you'd really just like them to go play their own game, or watch TV or anything, and just leave you the (____) alone...
NOTE:This update has been redacted to reflect the kinder gentler world we live in, where everyone gets a pink ribbon just for showing up and no one uses 4 letter words.
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