Sarah   United States
Hi there i am Hinata-hime also known as Sarah
{ About me }
i am just your simple and crazy cat girl
i am in many games
i am a game breaker not an achievement hunter
i know base blender work
i know basic python and javascript coding
Jack of all Trades, Master of none
{ Gamer's Guild Recreation }
i am in charge of the Gamer's Guild Recreation a small community i set up many years ago for Gamers to call home
i originally founded long ago under the name "teamserver001" creative i know -.- but i was lil at the time
the guild mainly sits on discord we a small safe community out to play and even break games :3
i do run most of the game servers exclusive for the guild

https://discord.gg/ztZUGexm5S <--- welcome to the guild
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Nhóm yêu thích
Gamer's Guild Recreation - Nhóm công khai
The Guild made by gamers for gamers
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36.030 giờ được ghi nhận
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8.593 giờ được ghi nhận
chơi lần cuối lúc 8 Thg03
842 giờ được ghi nhận
chơi lần cuối lúc 8 Thg03
AwesomeJoe228 28 Thg01 @ 2:53am 
Sarah is a scrub
Hinata-hime 11 Thg01 @ 4:18am 
man i don't know what drugs people are on but people sure say the weirdest stuff here in my comments
Hinata-hime 26 Thg04, 2024 @ 2:01am 
For future note to all harassers who target me you will have to dox me and visit me irl if you want to cause me to cry and suffer if not your on my terf by contacting me via the internet and i play on even grounds

Do note harassing and doxing are both illegal
DarkDonaar 24 Thg10, 2023 @ 5:49pm 
Mmm Neko on vrc forever xD
LilyKroats 19 Thg10, 2023 @ 8:38am 
Love ya sheepy~
Hinata-hime 28 Thg05, 2023 @ 11:56am 
ok my hours is small