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Seneste anmeldelser af necrori

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1 person fandt denne anmeldelse brugbar
23.2 timer registreret i alt (7.0 timer, da anmeldelsen blev skrevet)
Anmeldelse for emne med tidlig adgang
click heads
Skrevet: 29. januar 2018.
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2 personer fandt denne anmeldelse sjov
111.9 timer registreret i alt (95.4 timer, da anmeldelsen blev skrevet)
I give you 24h to nerf harrier ult before I turn this review upside down
Skrevet: 8. august 2017.
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1 person fandt denne anmeldelse brugbar
1.2 timer registreret i alt
Movement mechanics are super fluent and fun to play around with.

With that said, I was super surprised with how short it is. 15minutes and the game is done. Just feels like they could've made more maps, make some things more challenging to get to, maybe have parts of the map that have to be completed under a certain time so the game actually feels like there is content in it. Why design a game that looks good, plays great and has nice soundtracks and then skimp out on the easiest part. Maybe player made challenge maps would be fun, idk if it's possible.

Anyways, game is fun and was under a dollar on sale, wouldnt mind paying more if there's actual conent in it.
Skrevet: 14. juli 2017.
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