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5.7 hrs last two weeks / 124.3 hrs on record (8.4 hrs at review time)
Posted: 8 Oct, 2023 @ 1:10am
Updated: 8 Oct, 2023 @ 1:13am

A solid tool It lets you check your FPS and system statistics in VR with a informational panel overlay attached to your wrist. But its also what let me deduced what was bottle necking my performance in VR and it was my CPU which at that point was a AMD FX-5500 a 6 core 6 threads CPU but that CPU is now over 10 years old while its a mid range CPU nowadays its outdated for any serious up and coming games and especially for VR it was showing it age it could do VR but its clear it needed to be swapped with a stronger CPU.

I got my Main Board upgraded, my RAM now being DDR4 instead of DDR3 and CPU upgraded to a Ryzen 5-5500 with 6 cores, 12 threads and that fixed my issue as for my GPU its solid and did not need to be upgraded. Thanks to the tool it basically told me what needed to be upgraded to fix up my PC for VR and just for high end gaming in general.

As for the tool itself outside of checking things it also hosts inside VR tuning tools for Resolution but the big thing that makes it very good is the ability to turn off ASW (Asynchronous Space Warp) basically it allows SteamVR to generate new connecting frames when your device cant keep up with all that is going on. Normally not a thing to want to turn off but there is instances where I found a VR application to run better with it off. Like Gmods VR addon being one such case where having it off is the better idea the VR application gets warbaly with it on having the ability to turn it off has made it so much more enjoyable experience.

But in most other games its fine to have it on but if your PC is able to run at optimal frame rates in VR having it on is not needed but for people like me some are just more tolerable to standard lag then say ASW compensation so it depends on who you are.

Besides just resolution it also includes height and spacing adjustment tools this lets you force height and spacing in games giving you the ability to forcefully fix spacing or height issues for when adjusting your VR zone for the game just is not cutting the mustard and also its fun to play with the height settings in general who doesn't want to trick the game that your some 20ft Goliath or a 2ft midget. Most modern day VR games do have height adjustment options but not all do and this lets you go even beyond what some games can let you set it to.

But yes of all the professional software I have gotten on Steam this is a must have if your constantly dipping into VR.
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