BOT Nasuh
  ឵ ឵ ឵ ឵ •● W E L C O M E ឵ ឵ ឵T O ឵ ឵ ឵M Y ឵ ឵ ឵P R O F I L E ●•
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Designed By NMÇ
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Items possédés
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Transactions sur le marché
My official links:
My Trade Link
My CSGOSteamAnalyst Profile []
My SteamRep Page []

Trading rulles:
✅I know all types of scamming, so don't waste my and your time
✅Do not ask for free items - I won't give you them
✅I will never add u if your profile/inventory is private
✅I will never accept lowballs/highballs, and as a result - block
✅I know item's market price
✅If you want to see my reputation status, you'd better to check my profile comments
✅If you decline my rules - you will be deleted/blocked
✅After the friend please write me why you added me, otherwise the application will be ignored
Activité récente
861 h en tout
dernière utilisation le 31 mai
1,7 h en tout
dernière utilisation le 24 mai
940 h en tout
dernière utilisation le 19 mai
Ls'|GaLaXy.# 12 juil. 2020 à 2h10 
4 yılın ardından imzalıyorum :D