Not Nail-O's   United States
Step right up and grab a box of Nail-O's! Every bite guaranteed to pack a punch – just like stepping on a Lego, but for your taste buds! Warning: Do not adjust your palate. That's the authentic taste of iron – and perhaps a hint of regret.

Feeling too safe at breakfast? Try them with milk! Turns it to a delightful shade of 'rusty pipe' in seconds. If you've ever wondered what metallic bravery tasted like in the morning, well, here's your golden, or should we say, iron opportunity!

Disclaimer: Nails may cause tongue acupuncture. Tetanus shots not included. Hepatitis, scurvy, or plague themed parties may follow. Nail-O's: the cereal that bites back! Eat irresponsibly.
92 timer spillet
I keep playing over and over again.. I just can't get enough of this brutal game. Buy it now, play. Get stuck! Its a ton of fun!
Cherubim 25. dec. 2014 kl. 5:12 
Merry Christmas Robby Boy! :steamflake:
ThatJoshGuy 12. juli 2013 kl. 7:17 
Liferebooted 29. dec. 2012 kl. 16:53 
Just commenting for badge credit yo.
Cherubim 25. dec. 2010 kl. 14:12 
Merry Christmas, Nail-O's!
Cherubim 25. dec. 2009 kl. 11:40 
Merry Christmas, Nail-O's!