United States
I love old arcade and NES games, as well as action games and roguelikes!

Review Showcase
After finishing the game on normal difficulty and now working my way through hard mode, I can say this game is seriously fun! The character action niche of video games are my favorite style of game, and Onee Chanbara Origin ticks every box for me. Onee Chanbara Origins is a game that rewards both offensive and defensive play styles, and the game lets your approach to combat be creative and your very own. While the crazy, 100+ hit, Marvel VS Capcom-esque tag combos of the previous Onee Chanbara game are definitely executable in Origins, they are new also accompanied by parry and evasion systems that reward the player for defensive play and situational awareness, both visually and in terms of gaining the upper hand in combat.

Replayability is also a big factor for me in these sorts of games, and is an area where Onee Chanbara Origins shines. The game contains four levels of difficulty, three playable characters with unique move lists and play styles, a survival mode that is unlocked upon completing the game, as well as a plethora of DLC missions that are included in the special edition.

If you are a fan of character action games such as Ninja Gaiden, Bayonetta or God Hand, do yourself a favor and give this game (and series!) a try. The Onee Chanbara series is an underrated gem of a franchise within the genre. I haven't had this much fun with a character action game since Tomonobu Itagaki was at the helm of the Ninja Gaiden series, and would highly recommend Onee Chanbara Origins to any fan of action games with fighting game inspired combat.
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