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Đánh giá gần đây bởi Балтіка 1000-7

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4.9 giờ được ghi nhận
Đánh giá truy cập sớm
Went in looking for ♥♥♥♥♥ and giggles (and I did found some giggles tbh), came out somewhat disturbed that I enjoyed it as much as I did. Maybe it was that I had 0 expectations going in, don't know.

Really liked the story and characters' chemistry. The gameplay is just a vehicle to the plot, nothing to it rly.

If you are wondering if you should try this game out - you should just because you are already wondering. I don't even like this genre at all and yet gobbled up this human soup in one sitting.

Looking forward to EP3 of Andy and Leyley Andrew and Ashley : Deranged and Happy together

P.S. Add a family friendly tag on Steam because I have never seen friendlier siblings making friendly friendship in a family. Really can't get more friendlier in a family than that.
Đăng ngày 6 Tháng 1.
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29.3 giờ được ghi nhận (11.8 giờ vào lúc đánh giá)
Đánh giá truy cập sớm
Based (cringe) review

If you enjoyed Battlefield 3 and 4, you will most likely like this one too. It is a Battlefield-like game, and since DICE hasn't been able to make a good Battlefield in a decade , what else could scratch that need for this kind of gameplay?

However, this game has its flaws, and it is not a traditional Battlefield. It has a lot of tactical elements that are not usual for Battlefield games, more on that later.

What is good:

*"Only in Battlefield" (tada ta tada-ta tada ta-ta) experience is present here to a degree.

*Good performance even on low-end PCs (although sometimes there are random frame drops, mostly due to foliage).

*Responsive gunplay. The shooting feels good, which is obviously very important for a shooter game. It kind of resembles PAYDAY 2 gunplay but with more recoil (a bit too much for my taste).

*Good map design (mostly). A lot of verticality allows the tactical aspects of the game to flourish and rewards tactics such as flanking and ambushing. For those who are familiar, it's kind of like a mix between Bad Company 2 and Planetside 2. It sounds weird, but it works.

*A simple building system, paired with Battlefield-like destruction, allows for some interesting scenarios and makes the maps dynamic.
What is not so good/controversial:

*Simple graphics decrease system requirements, but they're at a Roblox level of visuals. Obviously, gameplay is what makes a game, and this simplicity is what makes this game even possible and working (insert 2042 joke). However, it may look too poor for some.

*All vehicle controls are awkward and feel sluggish and unresponsive, especially for aircraft. As far as I understand, this is an attempt to make them more realistic, but it doesn't quite achieve that, It just makes it weird. If you liked playing tanks, helicopters, etc., in Battlefield games, you will be disappointed.

*Even though the map design is generally good, some maps are way too big and could result in a lot of walking, which is frankly boring. If you are familiar with the Armored Kill maps in Battlefield 3, that's mostly it. However, Battlefield 3 didn't suffer as much from this due to its faster-paced gameplay (spawning near action, abundance of good transportation).

*The levels of destruction could feel lacking in comparison to what Battlefield players have experienced before. Not all walls can be broken, not all fences can be crushed, etc. But mainly, the lack of terrain deformation is what's missing here.

*Lack of guns and gadgets. This is probably a temporary issue, but it's bad, like very bad. The developers' current solution to this makes it even worse. Basically, you get meaningful unlocks every 15-20 hours of gameplay or so (yeah-yeah, you get something every 5 levels, but it's mostly a whatever unlock, like a new pistol which is basically the same as a previous one or a new nade that you won't ever use). For example, you get 2 starting rifles at level 0, the next rifle unlock is at level 15, and it's just an improvement on one of the starting rifles. The next unlock after that is at level ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ 50, then 75 (takes about 30-40 hours to get level 50). This is quite sad, to be honest, but it will most likely be resolved soon enough. For now, the grind is mind-numbing, and it also makes it harder for new players. On top of having to play against more experienced opponents, these opponents have superior weapons that require dozens of hours to unlock.

*The TTK (Time to Kill) is weird due to the armor-helmet mechanic and significant damage drop-off with distance. Enemies sometimes feel like bullet-sponges. Also, the "accuracy" value in guns is redundant. It adds randomness to a spray pattern on top of random recoil, making long-distance engagements worse than they could be.

*Gun balance is not ideal. SMGs dominate the meta to a ridiculous degree because they have a much faster fire rate and far less recoil than rifles, with damage not much lower than rifles. SMGs become the weapon of choice. SMG dominance and underperforming rifles (mostly due to too high recoil and a significant damage drop-off with distance) create an environment that promotes very short engagement distances, which do not correlate with the size of the maps. Basically, rifles are not much better than SMGs at longer ranges and are far worse than them at close range. Also, DMRs feel useless. With a need to place multiple shots while having such high recoil and high enemy movement speed, plus an abundance of cover, they become way too niche and almost unusable.

How basic game design logic dictates balance to be :
Very long range - sniper rifles
Long range - DMR
Medium range - assault rifles
Short range - SMGs

How it is
Very long range - sniper rifles
Long range - sniper rifles
Medium range - SMGs
Short range - SMGs

*Medics are too strong, and spam revive is meta. It's Battlefield 3 Metro level bad. Medics can revive way too many people way too fast. A good solution would be to limit how many times a player can be revived per respawn, limit revive charges per medic more, and create revive exceptions like headshots (giving more value to snipers) and explosions (it is quite stupid that a tank can paint a wall with a direct body HE hit, and then a jumping fairy-medic drags the body behind a corner, applies a magic bandage for 1.5 seconds, and the eviscerated fella is as good as new). Also, the support class feels unnecessary and out of place, lacking a purpose.

*And the most important flaw/controversial point - this game has an existential crisis. It feels like it doesn't know what it wants to be: an arcade-like Battlefield shooter or a sim-like Insurgency/Squad game. Those two shooter types don't mix well. It's way too fast and arcadey for a sim, and the abundance of sim elements severely hinders the high-octane Battlefield gameplay. The bleeding mechanic with long bandaging time, long reload times on all weapons, and the need to combine ammo from magazines do not fit a Battlefield game. And overall "arcadiness" in the flow of gameplay (shooting, moving, etc.) is simply not meant in a sim game. It's not a "best of both worlds" situation; it's a bipolar disorder , and I can't see an easy fix for this. Arcade shooter players will find Battlebit way too slow, while sim shooter players will find it way too fast.

Overall, this game has two huge advantages that give it a positive review:
A development team that is in touch with reality (hello DICE)
And it's a Battlefield game. The last good one was 10 years ago , and the need for such a gameplay experience is so bad that a lot of flaws can be just ignored and tolerated. I, alongside the Battlefield fans, have high hopes for this game. It could become the salvation we need and deserve.

Thanks to those 2.5 people who read this.
Đăng ngày 9 Tháng 7, 2023.
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202.7 giờ được ghi nhận (174.4 giờ vào lúc đánh giá)
Grind hell, but if you don't want to progress beyon WW2 stuff, it's fine.
Đăng ngày 22 Tháng 5, 2023.
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73 người thấy bài đánh giá này hữu ích
9 người thấy bài đánh giá này hài hước
12.4 giờ được ghi nhận (10.5 giờ vào lúc đánh giá)
The idea behind this game is simply awesome, however the realization is rather lackluster.
What is good :

* Game doesn't lag ,stutter or freeze
* Fresh RTS mechanic with how you control units from terminals on your mobile carrier base
* Game looks pretty
What is bad :

* The AI is a joke, both enemy AI and the one that controls your units. After a heavy fight I have watched all of my air fleet simlpy crash into the ocean unable to land ( as far as I am concerned there is no damage mechanic that impaires mobility of units, just hp)
One by one all of my planes just crashed into the ocean near my carrier, while all of my helicopters were hovering above the carrier for so long that they ran out of fuel and also crashed. Or the other time when I ordered two of my planes to engage one enemy plane, they both went head on, missed some shots, lost control and crashed into the ocean at full hp.
Enemy ground forces just wander around the island aimlessly and can barely damage air units, making air spam the only tactic, since while being agonizingly slow it is still way faster than ground assult.
Most of the time enemy air units can't even take off but when they do god help you, it appears that enemy planes have infinite fuel and ammo ( I am not exaggerating they do not need to land) I have wasted 12 rockets to took down 1 enemy aircraft while if flexed on my ground and air forces ( it is the time when my planes crashed into the ocean after a head on) taking out most of them. ( I know that you can have support ships with aa guns and also have some aa guns at ground forces but I was foolish enough to assume that having 8 aa rockets ready is enough to take down one enemy aircraft.

* Game does not feature autosave and on top of that frequently crashes ( some are less lucky with that than others). I had a 5 hours long first session that ended with a crash, didn't even think to check if there was an autosave because I assumed that there obviously was one.

* The speed - the game is VERY slow it takes ages to travel between points of interest and the fact that you have to manually set up logistics such as fuel delivery and wait for it to be dilivered does not help. The fights are also very slow, especially ground fights because of low accuracy, high hp, low dps and slow unit speed.
Also deploying air units takes a good half of a century,since you can only deploy ONE AT A TIME(there is only one elevator) and even one takes ages to deploy. And while deployment of ground units is quicker, you will spend most of your youth waiting for them to reach land ( and don't forget that you also have to wait for them to return back, however it would seem that only your grandchildren will witness their arrival back to the carrier.)

* The game features manual control of units which sounds nice but it is very hard to use, you can do some maneuvering but hitting targets or landing seems impossible.

* The game does poor job of introducing new players, most of the stuff is written in the manual. And you might think since it takes so long to go from one point to another you can spend your time reading the manual. The manual pauses the game *insert mexican laughter*.

* All of the chassis are vey much the same and there are not enough of them.

Overall the game is not ready, and being out of early access is misleading. And from what I've read in the community forums suggests that the development is rather slow. I just hope that this game is not abandoned.
Đăng ngày 19 Tháng 3, 2023.
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1.2 giờ được ghi nhận
Imagine DBD and Garry's Mod prop hunt making love and having a baby. Turned out that both of them are male and this abortion survivor was adopted.
Cons :
*Poor Optimization
*Bad Balance
Pros :
*Most of the time it does not launch so you don't have to play it (was planning to play with friends, all of them are no longer able to launch it so no need to cringe through this)
Đăng ngày 8 Tháng 3, 2023.
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6,874.7 giờ được ghi nhận (5,552.1 giờ vào lúc đánh giá)
Maybe I just grew tired of this and simply no longer able to enjoy it or maybe it indeed got much worse throughout the years passed. Anyway, If you for some reason want to start playing doto in 2021, here is an advice - don't do it, you will regret it.
Đăng ngày 20 Tháng 10, 2021.
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123.5 giờ được ghi nhận (33.8 giờ vào lúc đánh giá)
Đánh giá truy cập sớm
!!!Event though the review is positive I can not recommend this to everyone!!!
This puts to shame any other "early access" game. I have not encountered any bugs or any significant perfomance issues so far except there were 2 crashes that set me back a little and a crash after a boss fight with the loss of boss loot but game saves automaticly during play session ( and you can save manualy through console command)
1)Graphics : the lack from thechnological side is compensated by style and game still look pretty good, mostly due to effects. Overall the picture is pleasant and I definitly like it
2.1 The fighing is cool, kind of resembles souls like games with stamina managment, dodges, parries, backstabs(altrough this one is not working rly well) There is some skill to it, especially the bows, and fighting feels entertaining, but I think it should be more challenging from the enemy move set side and player should have more stamina and maybe more variety like combos or smth idk( there is more stamina later in the game, when you lvlup weapon skill but weapon moves are set to primary attack and sometime a second special attack, I belive a deeper combat system would be great ). Also there are very little enemy types and soon enough from a weak challenge( I am speaking about enemies of your level, enemies outside you biome level will 1 hit you ) they become an annoynce.
2.1 Exploring the world did give me the feeling that I had the first time playing mincraft, the procedural generation is quite good, it created both belivable and beautiful landscapes. Traveling aroung the world is not as boring as it could be, especially on boats since they are fun to steer ( but not the fuсkіng raft though, it is slower than walking) and there is a telepot wich is convinient and balanced ( you can not transfer ore through it). Unforunatly there is very little variety in biomes right know and there are none big sites to find like ruins, temples etc, which makes exploring fun only for the first 20 hours
2.2 Building is nicely done, it is simple and some what realistic with materials needing a proper support to stand on or they will just break. Can't compare it to anything since I am usually not interested in building at all, but here I made a whole fortress on a semi island with moat around it and heightened ground for the walls and I hope that tells you something.
2.3 Crafting is nothing special, you just need to gather resources, know the recipe and have a proper crafting station
2.3.1 Resource gathering for crafting is boring and long af and the craft/upgrade price is juts too high, my friend and I got so tired when we tried to get enough copper for full bronze armour and weapons/tools that we considered to drop the game and wait for update. Grinding resources is just terrible and what you get after it doesn't feel even nearly rewarding and worth the time
3 Stroy - there is almost no sroty and to be honest who cares anyway, a decent background is enough.

Conclusion : It is really impressive for early access game. But can i recommend this as it is - probabbly no
My friend and I dropped this game for now because there is just to much grinding and the game gets way too repetative in both exloration and fighting. If this game gets more content (much more tbh) in every aspect of it, deals with the gathering-crafting problem and maybe gets an improvment in some mechanics like fighting and a more significant player progression ( more that just better loot and higher stats) - this is gonna be a blast, but for now I will let it be in my library awaiting for the time to come.
Đăng ngày 19 Tháng 2, 2021.
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