Nathan   Norfolk, United Kingdom (Great Britain)
I like games

Currently Offline
DannyDorito 2 Mar @ 4:54am 
I hope that Chrome goon gets what he deserves. You don't deserve this level of abuse Nathan. I will also support you 100 percent. Let me know when you launch the assault and you''ll have my axe my friend.
Baxterish 19 Feb @ 7:38am 
Nathan, i thought i would see how you are mate. I see this UniChrome chap has been pestering you for some time in the comments. This level of harassment is concerning. I've been following the me too movement and its never too late to speak out. Most people wait till their abuser/harasser is dead but rest assured Nathan that i will support you 100 percent. Lets get this Chrome while hes alive. Who does he think he is. Lets do him Nathan, do him now.
UniChrome 3 Oct, 2023 @ 11:09am 
Breaking News. N.C.Hammer admits to PC gaming. More to follow...
Baxterish 9 Jan, 2022 @ 6:08am 
Nathan, can you stop playing hunter call of the wild. You wont find any children lurking in the bushes no matter how hard you try
Bishop366 18 Apr, 2021 @ 2:15am 
Nathan, I formally and respectfully request your presence on Mumble. Once there I wish to discuss with you our approach to Gaming Fun Times (GFT)
Yours sincerely, Mr Bishop-Huggingtons
Bishop366 5 Sep, 2020 @ 12:01pm 
Nathan, is War Thunder good? I see you have several hours in the game and would value your honest opinion