General mark milley, traitor to the united states, behind the back of trump told china american secrets to use against us,(Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000) this is a 5 star general with secrets even most brass dont know, this is high treason and nothing less then death shall serve as punishment.

"To live in ignorance of the political state around you is no excuse. it is your responsibility, as well as mine to spread the word. one great nation is dead, will yours be next?" if you have something to say don't keep quiet tell them how you feel, don't let there oppression silence you." James "rockerboy" Manson

"It's just a mask."
"It's just six feet."
"It's just two weeks."
"It's just non essential businesses."
"It's just non essential workers."
"It's just a bar."
"It's just a restaurant."
"It's just to keep from overwhelming the hospitals."
"It's just to make the cases go down."
"It's just to flatten the curve."
"It's just a few inmates."
"It's just to keep others from getting scared."
"It's just for a few more weeks."
"It's just church. You could still pray."
"It's just until we get a vaccine."
"It's just a bracelet."
"It's just an app."
"It's just for tracing."
"It's just to let others know you're safe to be around."
"It's just to let others know who you've been in contact with."
"It's just a few more months."
"It's just a large gathering but for protests."
"It's just a few violent protests."
"It's just a blood test."
"It's just a scan."
"It's just for medical information."
"It's just a vaccination certificate.


Life asked Death,
why do people love me,
but hate you?

Death responded
Because your are a beautiful lie
and I'm a painful truth
Rot8Kid 26 Dec, 2024 @ 8:48am 
Why Not Zoidburg?
Fomin 21 May, 2022 @ 6:58am 
Borderlands 3 is Free on EPIC.
CAPTAlN_CHAMBERS 25 Mar, 2017 @ 8:09pm 
Hilhorst 26 Jul, 2015 @ 4:58pm 
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You've been visited by the propane god, I tell you hwat. Copy and paste this to 5 of your friend's profiles, or Hank Hill will bring the pro-pain - Donny