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发布于:2017 年 4 月 16 日 上午 9:23

Now one of my all time fav games, and Ive played/got a lot of multi-platform games. As you can see i completed this in 6,2hrs so its not a long game, you can explore and take more time, I wasnt rushing but following the story, I did do some general explorng.

From the start the intro, the music set the background. Its great to be firewatcher in the wyoming wilderness, with only your supervisor in a tower a mile or two away, you do some routine stuff but then a mystery starts to unravel, I personally think / would have liked a longer story that actually went the way I was hoping / thinking it was going to go, but the final scene was great in its own way.

You use a portable 2 way radio most of the gae with your supervisor and have usually 1 -4 dialouge choices, i beleive which are influenced more from your intro choices. Its great having that intro back story and choosing how it plays out with the other character.

For me I love the setting, the artwork style the charcters and the immersion of being a firewatcher in the wild, for me it provides a tranquility I cant explain I just enjoy being in that athmosphere almost alone in that enviroment.

All in all a very enjoyable play, well worth the price tag, altough soe may cinsider it high for its length but nonetheless I stand by that. If you like solo walking exploration with some mystery games then this should be up your alley.

A cool feature if you find a disposable camera in game at the end you can upload your pictures to a real website and even have them printed and posted to you, which is also cool.
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