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12.1 hrs on record (8.3 hrs at review time)
We play games because of how they make us feel or think. This game achives those two criteria on a whole new level. This game is for those who love a bit of puzzle and action. One moment you could be jumping out of a building in slow motion and the next you could be running though a lobby like Neo in the Matrix. It is a game that just makes you feel badass and the levels of cool that you could only ever get after an action movie or some epic moment. If you can forget about the absurdly short story and how this game is something that can make you feel finished with very quicky, it is an amazing game. For those who can get connected to the stratagy or action to become addicted, this game will become the most enjoyable thing ever experinced.
Posted 24 November, 2016.
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2 people found this review helpful
263.4 hrs on record (114.1 hrs at review time)
I have a LOT of time and even a fair amount of $$ into this game and there are a few things to take away from it. 1, In it's very basic form it feels like a scam. It doesn't feel as if the devs actually cared about the history or about the player enjoyment as much as they cared about profit. The game constantly asks you to buy things as it is the definition of a pay to win game.( actually you aren't even gaurenteed a win if you pay so think of it as "pay to play better"). 2, I love the flying mechanics and the feel of the game. It can easily make the inner kid of anyone come out. 3. THIS GAME IS SUCH A GRIND! This game is the longest game knowen to man. Not in a good way because if you every invest time into one of the really nerfed nations such as America, then you end up in a grind that will last 10000 hrs+ before you even finish the first tech tree. I wish the game was faster so you could constantly be moving through the progress of the tech tree and onto other nations. 4. It feels as if some nations are nerfed so that the nations with large and new playerbases such as america wish attracts younger and less experinced audineces to be less equipped and thus spend more money. In total, this game is very fun, it is also very very agrovating as whenever you start to have fun, you get held back or the moment gets ruined by some pay to win/unballenced aspect.
Posted 24 November, 2016.
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3 people found this review helpful
44.6 hrs on record
Early Access Review
Better than Clash of clans in my mind and the best part of it is that you don't have to play the game with micro-transactions even though you can pay money to advance easyer and recive better upgrades etc. But If you want to play a good strqadgey gam this is the one you should choose because it's free (yay) and it doesn't require tons of work or time to level up even though you can play it forever because it's addicting. It also isn't hard on your computer at all and will probably run on most computers fine. I highly recomend this ame and since it's free it doesn't matter weather you download it or not because you won't care if you deleate it if you don't like it. Try AirMech there's nothing to lose. A highly recomended game in my mind.
Posted 17 April, 2014.
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