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15.1 hrs on record
With the cross save option brought in I would thought I would install Warframe on my PC as well as my PS5. The controller setup is a massive pain in the arse with the PC version and it requires you to enter in your Warframe password EVERY TIME YOU OPEN THE GAME. This is such a pathetic excuse for security because it means that every Warframe player on PC is forced to use a single to remember password (insecure or reused) or they have their password stored in a plain text document.

This two inconveniences are enough for me to uninstall this game and stick to it on console. After all, if they are this inept when it comes to computer security of access to your account, imagine what they are like when it comes to the in-game market when you are throwing your real money around.

When a game shows you who they really are, it pays to listen.
Posted 14 February, 2024.
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13.8 hrs on record (13.1 hrs at review time)
A wonderfully charming Metroidvania that wears its influences proudly on its sleeves (so proudly I suspect a few of these games may be missing some sleeves). A Kickstarted game by a solo developer, Haiku is a passion project that you can tell is a sweet kind of game that the developer wants to play themselves.

The elephant is the room is its similarities to the games that have influenced it (notably: Hollow Knight and Metroid). HtR is not shy at all about these influences, and wears them with pride. It is not pretending to be anything more than a cute little indie, and it is up to the player to determine if it standing high on the shoulder of giants, or planted firmly in their shadows. I am on the team of the former.

Whilst there are a couple of tricky platforming sections, and a handful of difficult bosses, I would not go far and call the game particularly difficult. It is quite comfortable for the most part, and this is not a bad thing.

In short, I am of the opinion that this is the kind of Metroidvania that most fans of the genre will find something to enjoy in.
Posted 8 January, 2023.
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484.9 hrs on record (226.2 hrs at review time)
This game is fill with nothing but bugs! Stay away!

10/10, would recommend again.
Posted 23 November, 2022.
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