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게시 일시: 2020년 2월 2일 오전 3시 03분

Man, Rust is one roller coaster of a ride. Start out naked on a beach with a rock and torch. Scavenge for resources like Hemp, Rock, Metal, only to die from a guy with a bow. Wake up again on a different beach, naked, afraid, and alone? Nope, there's a guy with a gun, mows your nakedness down. Finally get a nice little base built after waking up naked for a third time. Go to bed for the night knowing you have a safe little home of your own.

The next morning you get up and jump on Rust, you were raided. Back to square one. Naked, On a Beach, with your trusty Rock.

Each time you learn something new, make a little bit more progress, fall for traps, get zerged, etc. But you learn. Yes, there can be toxic players, kids who spout racial slurs at you, folks who are genuinely nice and willing to help you out. Raiders, counter raiders, there is always something going on on any server; and its quite a blast.

Overall, having owned Rust since day one, it has grown, it has improved; bugs are of course still present; but overall it is an enjoyable time; I may get annoyed with downright better players than myself; but some how Rust just keeps drawing me back into the never ending circle of nightmares, and oddly I keep slowly improving. Learning better tactics with building bases, understanding my own combat limitations at times, and knowing when it just bum rush and hope that I come out through the fires on the other side.

Give it a try, but just remember it's just a game, so have fun!
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