2 個人認為這篇評論值得參考
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張貼於:2019 年 8 月 13 日 下午 2:07

I don't know what happened in later stages of this game's development but it must not have been something good.
The Council starts off as an amazing game with brilliant character interactions and an interesting skill tree system. The storyline and dialogue is very well done in the first 4 episodes.

But then in the final act, all of that takes a nosedive and the ending is utterly utterly disappointing. What a shame. Could have been such a great game but it almost felt like they were rushed to end it and took an easy non-eloquent way out.

TLDR:- 80% of the game is really really good. Very good puzzles. Interesting skill tree system. Final act is the worst thing to have ever existed. 3/5 for me(that final act was atrocious.)
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