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Näytä maailmanlaajuiset saavutustilastot
Tilastojen vertailu omiisi vaatii kirjautumista
7/13 (54%) saavutuksista avattu:
Henkilökohtaiset saavutukset

The Strong, Silent Type

Play the whole game without saying anything.
Avattu 19.8.2022 klo 8.45

"This House is Clear"

Complete the story.
Avattu 29.7.2022 klo 11.11

Thicker than Water

Bring Michael back from the dead.
Avattu 19.8.2022 klo 8.43

New Beginnings

Jonas is your new step brother.
Avattu 29.7.2022 klo 11.10

Renjamin Spanklin

Slap Ren in the face.
Avattu 19.8.2022 klo 9.14

It's A Me

Jump the crazy chasm in the woods.
Avattu 24.6.2022 klo 12.17

You'd just end up hating each other.

Keep Ren and Nona from dating.
Avattu 29.7.2022 klo 11.09

Adler Letters, Pt. 1

Collect 4 of Maggie's letters.
0 / 4

Adler Letters, Pt. 2

Collect 8 of Maggie's letters.
0 / 8

Adler Letters, Pt. 3

Collect all of Maggie's letters.
0 / 13

Ghost Stories

Find all hidden frequencies.
0 / 12

I'm the Firestarter

Make enemies with all of your friends.

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