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기록상 70.6시간 (평가 당시 61.6시간)
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SULFUR is one of those games where if you think you could do something you most likely can. Want to make a gun that doesn't run out of ammo? go for it, want to make a 12 gauge LMG that fires exploding pellets? 100%, Want to make a gun that fires mini rockets everywhere? yes you can. You want to make a fridge filled with nothing but Fondue because its funny? Yes you can even do that.

Gameplay is awesome, the guns are super stupid, completely off model to actual weapons and allow you to do some completely wild things as described above. this is honestly one of the best Rouge likes to date. the the best part, it isn't even done and its this good already! for 25 bucks i say that's a great steal any lower its robbery
2024년 11월 27일에 게시되었습니다.
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기록상 1,021.5시간 (평가 당시 864.9시간)
"If fighting is to result in victory then we must fight!" Ok, Lets fight. We the collective fan base of TF2 demand more than a content update every season, we demand that the game becomes playable. hell skip a content update just Do Something instead of idling by claiming record player base when its record bot numbers coming in and exploiting the game to make profit, Reminder 70 to 80% of any given playtime recorded by SteamDB are BotNets, Cheat bots, and Idlers or Trade Bots. Its Suffocating and we are calling for action and we. will. not. stop. until action is done. years, have gone by since the bot crisis began, and more have passed by since the original saveTF2 movement failed, and nothing has been done and were sick of it.

The big problem now is that this is happening to more Valve games, CS:2 is beginning its own bot crisis, L4D2 is constantly unplayable due to DDoS's among other issues cropping up, all due to TF2s bot success telling those that Valve doesn't care, its a playground of crime and they know they can get away with it, and much more, people are actively getting their identities Doxed, and being used as Bots to do so, people have been Swatted for threatening their whole existence, DDoS attacks against peoples own personal servers to play on when they can't play Casual and this is happening more and more., and what is painful is that the fix could be as simple as installing a well known bot kicker that the community has made.

TF2 is my second game i have ever played on PC it holds a special place in my heart as i have continued to be in contact with several friends that I met 7 years ago, hell longer. their is Nothing like TF2 being made anymore, nothing that captures that raw fun of being a Mix of a team based shooter with elements of Arena shooter to create something special.

so we demand something is done. Hire more staff hell hire MegaScatterBomb and his team that are currently making a AI based Anti Cheat so you can use that not just in TF2 but everywhere else since all it involves is retraining the AI model on different footage, Port the game to S2 so it can have access to your own VAC2 system or make VAC2 work in S1, or at least TELL us that you do not want to support the game, call it dead and turn off the item drop servers and the official servers. TALK TO US LIKE ADULTS and tell us its over like a grown man. or actually do the grown up thing to do and attempt to fix the problem or make it better so were not constantly having to yell at you for a problem that is now infecting more of your products.

And to everyone passing through the reviews to see what is going on with this game, Don't Buy anything from the Steam Market place, Don't buy anything from the in game Mann Co store, Leave a Negative Review of your own, Sign the Protection at https://save.tf/ and finally, Do. Not. Stop. Voicing. Your. Opinions.

And finally to Valve: we say this truely out of love and we understand the hell that is TF2s code base. But were adults, and adults do their job. So do your job and fix the mess your negligence cause and when its done, we will happily pay you and spend money on your products again. Thank you for at least hearing us out. and please, do whats right.
2024년 6월 3일에 게시되었습니다. 2024년 6월 3일에 마지막으로 수정했습니다.
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기록상 89.4시간 (평가 당시 62.1시간)
If a game pushes you to want to 100% It. That is the mark of a really good game. Patreon Backer here: Just buy this game if you haven't done so already, its bloody well worth your time.
2023년 11월 21일에 게시되었습니다.
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기록상 0.0시간
Ok, after Beating the DLC and moving onto Completing the DLC I can safely say this is prob the worst DLC to date for a Forza Game. Horizon 4 Had Lego and Treasure Island with Lego being this really vibrant lovely area to drive around with and have fun with a great time building your house by doing all the challenges, Treasure Island was more of the same from the mainland of 4 but with more extreme weather and good tracks, with a fun treasure hunting process that you can easily get 10M credits perfect for the new players.

Horizon 5 took Horizon 3's DLC with hot wheels and both improved on and made it worse but was a joy to drive around and now has this... which is just a map extension from the main land theirs NOTHING INTERESTING HERE!

BUT, lets get to the good things.

The Tracks are really technical and fun, Driving "Rally Style" with no guide is really fun, Ill give a pass for the tracks since they are made for Both Rally style and normal grid style racing, the new radio station is solid finally having some more punk and rock is nice to see hope we see this stay.

But thats where the good things end.

The Map is still the same brown we come to tolerate from the main land even the forest is somehow brown and dingy. the tracks are wide as hell for Rally, the Callouts are bare minimum, and the car selection is ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ AWFUL. The Teams are meh they could had been completely absent and nothing would change, The Voice acting is Cringe as hell once again and your forced to hear it all the time in the rally callouts, THE ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ HELICOPTER, WHY ARE THE CO DRIVERS IN A HELICOPTER THAT OBSCURES YOUR VISION WHEN THEY FLY LOW AND HAVE THE GAUL TO SHINE A BRIGHT AS HELL SPOTLIGHT IN YOUR FACE! GOD ITS BAD! Map is SO ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ SMALL! Smaller than Treasure Island, Driving Model is not made for this at all its forcing itself to be something it can't be because of its driving model being poor. And the Biggest ♥♥♥♥ you is the Gauntlet, The Gauntlet ONCE AGAIN is the WORST RACE of all Horizon History! It is SO LAZY with it being a complete rip off of 3 main tracks one of them being one of the main showdowns with one of the Horizon Reps, but its SO SHORT Like you had the ENTIRE MAP to make the race with and you only chose the bottom half of the map? Awful, just awful. and to top it all off it launched once again Broken.

But Overall:

Is the DLC Fun: Personally Ya! i had a ton of fun with it despite all of the flaws listed above.

Is this DLC Worth 20 USD: HELL ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ NO! This DLC is worth 10 Bucks only.

Overall this pretty much just demonstrates how lazy Playground Games Has gotten with their content just throwing something this lazy out but at the same time its built most likely by Playground B Team as most man power is working on Motorsport. but with this it makes me worried about what Motorsport will be.
2023년 3월 30일에 게시되었습니다.
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기록상 1.5시간
Its latterly a mod of Fallout 4 that adds like a few MBS to the game to work. Doesn't even have DLC support unless modded in which is thankfully possible along with Save Transferring between the Normal Version and the VR game. Pretty much this is a super novelty that doesn't even work with modern VR sets. I only good to experience and to visit your built settlements. Otherwise Not worth the 60 bucks hell not even worth on sale, if it was Free with Fallout 4 it would be better, same goes with Skyrim VR. Now "Free" would be better. its rough, it makes you motion sick. no.
2021년 8월 31일에 게시되었습니다.
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기록상 663.2시간 (평가 당시 251.5시간)
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H3VR is honestly the best VR game i have ever played, its been fun watching the game become what it is today and finding some of the funnest bugs in a game i have ever seen. if you have a VR headset this; is a must have in my opinion.
2019년 11월 27일에 게시되었습니다.
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기록상 1.9시간 (평가 당시 1.0시간)
its a game soda exist.
2019년 6월 30일에 게시되었습니다.
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기록상 351.3시간 (평가 당시 347.8시간)
300 hours and i still haven't figure out proper Oil refining and belting.
2018년 11월 26일에 게시되었습니다. 2021년 11월 24일에 마지막으로 수정했습니다.
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기록상 1.2시간
I asked for this?
2017년 11월 27일에 게시되었습니다.
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기록상 697.5시간 (평가 당시 492.8시간)
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A middle ground review is warented but i actually really enjoy this game i really do. with the new updates that keep coming and helping the continue to inprove the game with new inprovements and fixs (like the new way to build coming in the next wipe(hopely)) coming soon so lets get ready because im going to talk about whats good and whats bad AT THIS CURRENT TIME.

so things i quite enjoy about this game are the building and the all around look to this game this game is really good on its own and really fun with friends to enjoy. but thats where it stops...

(what really sucks is a big text box that is to follow and comes before the updates and are from personal experence)

so no madder where you go and what server you go to theres going to be people that are just ♥♥♥♥♥ like this is one of the reason's i stopped playing this game with a day to day statue. the other reason is the building falls flat so a great building that looks stunning and is a great show peace is nothing NOTHING compaired to a honey comb cheap mess that is hard to raid (again the next wipe is looking at making honey comb not really viable to use anymore so thats a plus) that makes it hard for someone that doesnt take interst in raiding just making gread bases fit for a king. next on the block of reasons i dont play this game anymore is player progression (again being looked into with the blueprint update 2.0 or 3.0?) its too easy to get gear actually still with the new blueprint system its still to fast for someone to get up to gear, sure theres the fact that you have to look for pars to make the gear but why not look for it when you can just kill someone and take there stuff this leads into... point 4 the community is full of insain people that really wants to shoot people in real life, the community ruins the game for new players NEW PLAYERS that just join in and then they get shot by some sad sap that has no life. not to say that the hole community is like this there is some good in the community but most of it is bad just bad. now some people would argue to go to modded servers but new players don't know that as they mostly were exposed to the game by word of mouth or videos of said insain people that like to troll and kill people you know "for fun". and finally finally the reason i stoped playing this game is, the meta game, one its bad when everybuilding is made of stone and nothing more you might see some made of armor but all of it is stone want to know why this is the case because one stone is the most defendable for some reason. and the next level sheat metal is actually worse THE NEXT LEVEL OF DEFENDABLE UPGRADES YOU CAN MAKE FOR YOUR BASE IS EQUALLY WORSE THAN THE ONE BEFORE IT. it makes no since why this is the case an upgrade is suppose to make it better but BUT when it makes it easier to raid your base its a sad state it shouldn't be the case and another thing its still too easy to raid bases even with the honey comb strat what to know why...

the twig update. this ruined the experence of the game for me as now it takes only one C4 just to get into the base from the roof might be two who knows well raiders know (and yes i know it was nerfed but its still too easy to get to the roof and blow in like that).

but above all that this game has protental and its getting better thats why im going to be returning soon and see the changes for myself when that happens there will be a final verdict.
2017년 11월 22일에 게시되었습니다.
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1-10/14개 항목을 표시 중