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Publicada: 7 ago. 2023 às 10:59

Good heavens above and by the bard's quill! There doth exist a digital enterprise in our midst, a grandiose theatre of electronic enchantment and mirth that hath ensnared my existence to such an extent, I can only describe it as a wild affliction of the most exhilarating kind!

The moniker, dear reader, upon which this utter madness of merriment is christened? Chivalry 2, and I, dear gentlefolk, have become its fervently devoted serf, nay, its captive, its adoring prisoner of joy!

By day and by night, I am engrossed in this wondrous pastime of chivalrous warfare. I dote on it, I dabble, I dance the frenzied jigs of a merry court jester intoxicated on its sweet, sweet nectar. Indeed, I eat Chivalry 2 for breakfast, I inhale it as the breath of life, and I dream of it, as star-crossed lovers dream of their tender trysts. It doth course through my veins, as sure as ale through a tavern-keeper's pipes!

As for my avatar within this fantastical tapestry? A knight, a nobleman of the blade! Ah, sweet readers, do spare a moment to picture it! I clad in plate and mail, a steel-clad titan amidst the turmoil of the battlefield. There, beneath the stoic visage of my armet, my eyes sparkle with the fire of a thousand burning keeps. My hands, grizzled and grim, clutch the pommel of my longsword with an iron resolve that echoes through the ages. Most of my time within this wild, digital dreamland has been lived behind this avatar, and I dare say, 'tis a life worth living!

Dear reader, thou hast found me out. I confess! My every waking thought is spent in this grand illusion, this waltz of blades and blood, this symphony of steel and strife. And if this be addiction, then I embrace it! For Chivalry 2 hath captured my heart and I, in turn, have surrendered my mind and soul to its call!

So, let the mead flow, let the bard's song fill the tavern, and let the townsfolk speak my name with awe and reverence! I, the Knight of Chivalry 2, charge headfirst into the fray, laughing with a fervor that can only be fueled by a love so pure, so untamed, it threatens to consume the very pixels that make up my digital form!

To the battlefield, dear friends! For there lies glory, there lies adventure, and there, in the heart of the maelstrom, there lies... Chivalry 2. Onwards! To victory or death! And should I fall, remember me thus: I was a gamer, I was a knight, I was... madly, passionately, ridiculously in love with Chivalry 2!
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