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지난 2주간 4.9시간 / 기록상 423.3시간 (평가 당시 415.0시간)
게시 일시: 2021년 7월 15일 오후 10시 05분
업데이트됨: 2024년 6월 3일 오후 9시 13분

Obnoxious bots aside, this is a pretty fun game. I have yet to get an unusual however.

6/3/2024 I am changing this to a negative due to the endless bot problem Valve is aware of but haven't found a way to fix it or simply refuse to.

Counter Strike 2 is having a similar issue where cheaters in high rank matches are playing with VAC (Valve Anti Cheat) not working at all, and with them working on their own version of Overwatch 2 there's a good chance the exact same bot or cheater issue is going to happen.

Fix Team Fortress 2, you have more than enough resources to do so, especially if you are still making a profit off this game.

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