HMD , LAG   Bordeaux, Aquitaine, France
-aLiaS : qL`
- SeX : MaLe
- cOunTrY : aLgEriA [ DZ ]
- BirThDay : 01/02/1989 @ Bordeaux - France - [ 33 ]
- NaTioNaLitY : Algerian & French

- U.HaNd : Right
- U.FoOT : Right
- eYes coLor : BrOwn
- HaIr : FaIr
- sKiN : FaIr
- Weight : 85.6 KG
- HiGh : 1.84 M

- Fav coLor : bLuE
- Fav MuSic : Rock
- Fav Game : CS & coH
- Fav G.pLaTfOrm : PC
- Fav MoVie : Shooter
- Fav coMpaNy : GMC
- Fav Drink : WaTer
- Fav Soda : coLa
- Fav Juce : any
- Fav Food : Any Thing caN be Eaten
- Fav Wallpaper : It was a beautiful day
- Fav cartoon character : Nicky Larson
- Fav Sport : Handball
- Fav Car : Porsh 911 GT

- OS : WIN XP SP 2 + ViSTA
- Tools of the Trade : Adobe Photoshop CS2 . Adobe Dreamweaver CS3 . CINEMA 4D . Flash 8 . Vegas Pro 8.0 .FL Studio 6
- Setuped Games on the PC : Diner Dash 2 , coH , CS 1.6
- Games's ToolS : Teamspeak 2 RC2 , Ventrilo , Steam
- OthErs : Ares , FlashFXP , Nero StartSmart , Windows Live Messenger , Skype , Fraps


- Mouse: RazerDeathadder [ G3 ]
- Mousepad: Razer Mantis
- Headphones: 5Hv2
- Keyboard: HaviT
- Screen HoHer 16*19
- HDD : 160 GB [ MaXtOr ]
- GC : nVidIa
- TV Card : Mercury
- Sound Cards : Yamaha + Realtek97
- CPU : 3.2 GHZ [ DC ]
- Ram : 1 GB

Mouse Settings:

- Drivers: None
- CPL Mouse Fix: No
- Windows Sensitivity: 6/11
- USBMRS11.exe 500hz
- Enhanced Pointer Precision: No
- Launch Options: -noforcemaccel -noforcemparms

Video Card Settings:

- Gamma: 3
- Brightness: 100%
- Contrast: 100%
- Vertical Sync: Off
- Antialiasing: Off
- Anisotropic Filtering: Off
- Image Settings: Quality

1.6 In Game Settings:

- Operating System: Windows XP
- Launch Options: -noforcemaccel -noforcemparms
- Refresh Rate: 60Hz
- CS RS : 800 x 600
- FPS : 99.9
- Sensitivity: 2.3
- Zoom Sensitivity: 0.87
- Crosshair: Small, Green, Translucent

Rates: (Online & LAN, 1.6 )

- cl_cmdrate 101
- cl_updaterate 101
- rate 25000

- Fav Clan : iNT , mTw , coL
- Fav CS Player : fRoD , Sunde
- Fav Weapon : AWP + Glock + M4a1
- Fav Caller : coL.Tr1p
- Fav Map : Train
- Playing style : tactical & Agressive

- Connection : ADSL Fawri : 2 MB

- Portable MP3 Player : iPOD
- Cell Phone : HTC P3450
- Watch [ LH ] : OMAX
- Brasslet [ RH ] : Silver
- shoes : PUMA , ReeBok
- shoes of Sport : Stabil 6

- Current Team of CS : iNT
- Current Team of HB : NRBT