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Recente recensies door TardiBear

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1,265.3 uur in totaal (544.1 uur op moment van beoordeling)
Well all i can say about Tf2 is a fun and addicting game ,when u start playing it u cant stop it like earning achivement and getting new item . Well if u compare to MW3 or Call of Duty , well Tf2 is not just kill killl kill and kill ,it has another oddly charming about this game , mayeb is teh cartoonish design about it .Beside that u can collect taunt ,Mics,weapon, and even hats .Beside that u can even trade , which is a fun thing to do to exchange weapon or buy stuff from other player . And there is the mod , there are countless mod in tf2 like MvM the best and maps , but the best thing about TF2 is that during season like halloween , christmas , or New Year , Valve would add some intresting and cool new stuff into Tf2 so we will never get bored , so thats all i can say about Tf2 Is a Fun GAme
Geplaatst 8 november 2014.
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