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0.0 год. за 2 тижні / 2.7 год. загалом (1.2 год на момент рецензування)
Додано: 1 квіт. о 21:53
Оновлено: 1 квіт. о 21:54
Продукт отримано безкоштовно

This game is pretty fun. Runs well on my potato computer, and for the first 3 days ran pretty well. At the current time of posting the following is my experience.

The problems started after day 3. 1/4 people or more being kicked to the main menu each dive. Losing Voice comms every time we slept, and having to restart.

It is nice that you can completely swap your crew with new people by simply reloading the save, but would be nice if people could join anytime you are in base not just in the house. Having to reload the save just to add a friend that got kicked back is a bit annoying when there is already a lot of other crash issues.

Overall though from the "intended" experience I played it was a blast
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