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張貼於:2023 年 1 月 30 日 上午 11:49

One of my favorite games I think I've ever played.

Library of Ruina has a great Intricate turned based combat system where you build decks from the foes you defeat, mix and matching cards from previous fights to overcome whatever the game throws at you next. Floors allow you to center builds around specific mechanics, such as burn damage or pierce with their unique abnormality cards.

The music is fantastic with a special mention to Mili's entire album dedicated to the game in being phenomenal with catching the tone of the game and the fights they accompany. From Gebura's explosive electric guitar riffs to Chesed's melancholic and somber floor theme, each patron librarian has an OST fitting their character and play style.

The story does a fantastic job of expanding on The City, an almost cyberpunk type setting where mega corporations wielding technology called singularities that are beyond human comprehension control every aspect of the residents' lives. Just replace the synth-wave, neon, and 80's nostalgia with horror and anime. The world project moon has created leaves me wanting to learn more and i'm eagerly awaiting their next game.

Highly recommend if you like games with fantastic world building, turn based combat, and a decent challenge.

"May you find your book in this place."
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