#LetsGoCanes   Raleigh, North Carolina, United States
Taking a massive break from Valve Shooters. I loved CS:GO but unfortunately CS2 hasn't held up its end of the deal.
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Want to get as much pu55y as an epic gamer? follow this step-by-step guide to learn how!
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OnlyFanos - Groupe public
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32 heures de jeu
Pretty fun game for decompressing from shooters. LOADS of automation included. Seems a little repetitive, and grindy at times, but other than that its great. If you were a fan of Tekkit Plug-ins for Minecraft you will very much enjoy this game. I rate it 9.5/10.
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293 heures de jeu
I used t' no life this game on Xbox 'n I be glad me stuff transfers o'er t' steam. Like enough the best open world PvP/PvE Pirate game on the market today. The game does get ole aft a while but gettin' t' that "wha' shall I do now?" point will take ye a good amount o' time t' get t'. Don't get discouraged if ye be doin' a quest fer 4-5 hours jus' t' 'ave a fresh spawn galleon crew wit' naught t' lose come 'n blast yer sloop into oblivion right as ye be pullin' into an outpost.... Trust me it has happened t' all o' us at least once. This game favors those mateys who like t' grind. If ye wants all the cool stuff ye 'AVE t' grind. Best when played wit' other scallywags. So raise ye tankards and be merry. No problem with drunken sailors here. Godspeed laddies.
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Beautiful Combov2
3 4
Bradar 26 juin à 6h40 
Time to shine in the gaming arena.
Marilsa 24 juin à 8h19 
Ready to take on the world?
Takus 22 juin à 10h44 
skilled rifler, strong gunplay, let's stay dominant on the server
𝕸𝖔𝕭𝖚𝖑𝖑 24 mai à 21h04 
who asked?
Kanye did nothing wrong 21 mai à 14h20 
Shane from London Ontario is a pu5sy. Youre friends with a pu5sy which makes you a pu5sy
W1nger 10 mars à 17h56 
adding to discuss queen jaguars. Please accept if interested.