Cyka blyat

Sike :steammocking:

Mein Problem damit ist einfach.
Du weiss nicht was du willst.
Du bist weder dir selbst, noch mir, noch deiner Freundin fair gegenueber, obwohl die mit einer der manipulativsten Fotzen ist, die ich je gesehen habe.
Why did you hurt yourself?
You were on vacation with a person you seemingly love, i dont get why those 14 days were so horrible.
I heard storys about her, storys... well let me say it this way. If i ever again see her, i'll ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ bash her head in :)
But if you are still happy in this kind of abusive relationship, go on.
But then this is just not fair for anyone.
Thats exactly the thing i mentioned earlier... you gotta get your ♥♥♥♥ together and recap on what you really REALLY REALLY want in life

Without this kind of mindset, its destined to never work.
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