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Counter-Strike 2
𝐉𝐨𝐲 3 MAY 2020 a las 6:58 a. m. 
Computers make excellent and efficient servants, but I have no wish to
serve under them. Captain, a starship also runs on loyalty to one
man. And nothing can replace it or him.
-- Spock, "The Ultimate Computer", stardate 4729.4

Space: the final frontier. These are the voyages of the starship Enterprise.
Its five-year mission: to explore strange new worlds; to seek out new life
and new civilizations; to boldly go where no man has gone before.
-- Captain James T. Kirk
Parsee 23 JUN 2018 a las 6:22 p. m. 
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Jswd50x 5 DIC 2017 a las 7:40 p. m. 
Nine Four 8 MAY 2017 a las 3:44 a. m. 
您好! 终于联系到您了,我是情趣用品店的售后客服, 终于联系到您了,给您打电话打不通,QQ也不回,已多次联系您老不回应,看到你在玩Happy Wars,占用你一点时间给你说一下,您寄回来的充气娃娃我们已经给您修好了,马上给您寄回去,下次您温柔点,毕竟不是钢铁制成的, 当我们后勤人员收到货时,那玩意儿惨不忍睹啊,在场的工作人员都落泪了,连我都想哭了,您说您前面也就算了,后面您都不放过, 毕竟有些人有那些特殊的嗜好,我也不说了,嘴巴都变形了,好吧我承认嘴巴也是正常的,关键是鼻孔、耳孔您是怎么进去的?我就纳闷了。还有最后一个就是尼玛的肚脐眼!!草,您也特么是个人才, 最后还特么给个差评,这事我已经报警了,你等着吧,还有心情在这玩游戏!