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Recent reviews by Mikeyann Murasaki

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44.6 hrs on record
I would really recommend this game for Harry Potter fans. I've spent hours just exploring the castle and areas, as it really gives you the feel of being there.
Posted 25 November, 2023.
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542.0 hrs on record (412.0 hrs at review time)
Yes, but also no. But yes.
Posted 22 November, 2022.
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37.6 hrs on record (28.1 hrs at review time)
Fun alone, better with friends.
Posted 22 November, 2022.
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9.5 hrs on record
Why spend ridiculous amounts of money on therapy, when you can just get this game
Approved by Dr. Hakim
Posted 31 October, 2022.
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84.4 hrs on record (15.6 hrs at review time)
Probably my all time favorite Sonic game. You can play with friends or you can play alone. Aside from both entertaining and challenging races and emerald missions you can visit your adorable Chao garden, and raise Chaos.
Only downside is that the story itself is short and can be finished within a few hours.
After that all you have left to do is replay the maps on different difficulty levels or just spend time in the Chao garden, trying to evolve all the different Chaos or use them to win races or karate battles.
Posted 30 June, 2019.
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1,500.2 hrs on record (21.6 hrs at review time)
I've been playing this game for about 12 years now. I've had my good share of breaks and quits from it, but it's that type of game you always go back to. If you're loking for a different type of MMORPG game, I do recommend this.

The game says free in the steam store, but it's not. You have a limited area to play on as a f2p player, and certain restrictions when it comes to what you can do in the game (pets, areas, profession levels, creating a guild etc). Althought they recently expanded the f2p areas, it can still get a bit boring if you no longer have any problems with the monsters available there. The one week subscription is rather cheap, and I recommend you to give it a chance and try it if you like the game to help you create a better picture of it.
- Sidenote: You can subscribe using ingame money (kamas) if you don't wish to spend any actual money on it. If you familiarize yourself with the crafting professions and system, you can earn kamas rather quickly.

The game is turn-based, and has a rather cute animation style.
You have 18 different unique classes to choose from, some easier to play than others. You start the game with a short helpful tutorial, and then enter Incarnam, the village hidden in the clouds. Althought quests can get a bit boring in the long run, I do recommend doing them and finishing them while you're in Incarnam. Not only does it give you bonus xp to finish the achievements connected to the quests, it will also help you get an overview of the game and what's to come. You will also encounter some humourous NPC's, and who doesn't love that.

The game is a lot more fun with friends, but it works alone as well. You are free to create alternative accounts if needed or preferred. Joining guilds is rather easy tho, which should help you build a few friendships early on.

What's important to remember when you enter the game
-Do not expect to be able to access the entire world, as it is limited to paying players.
-If you decide to play the game through steam instead of downloading it from it's original website, you can't multiaccount, as the steam launcher doesn't allow it. You can however multiaccount on the normal Dofus launcher and have your main on steam if wanted.
-If you connect an already existing account to the steam launcher, you do not get your already achieved achievements registered (which is essentially annoying the c*ap out of me) I have hope they might fix that later on.
Posted 27 August, 2018. Last edited 29 November, 2020.
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1.7 hrs on record (1.1 hrs at review time)
Was fun for about 10 minutes. I don't think I've raged more over a game in a long time, absolutely horrible, will never play again.
Posted 26 August, 2018.
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12.7 hrs on record (12.0 hrs at review time)
It's a very simple and easy click-and-point type of game, text based. You enter the game as a randomly chosen investigator, where your job is to find the hidden threats in the society by spying and profiling using Orwell, mainly going after and finding out who is behind the bombing. Althought the game itself is quite easy and self explaining, you encounter wrong and contradicting information, which cannot be changed later if you decide to upload it to Orwell. You will also encounter ethical dilemmas during the game. I've played through the game 3 times, each time acting different as the investigator, which has lead to different outcomes throughout the game and its ending.
It's quite entertaining and short, recommended.
Posted 26 August, 2018.
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4.2 hrs on record (4.2 hrs at review time)
Bought this game because of nostalgia. I'm sad to say it took me only 2 hours to finish the entire game, when my childhood memory of this game was that it took forever to finish and was super hard. If you played this game as a kid, you should totally buy it again. 5/7
Posted 19 August, 2018.
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Showing 1-9 of 9 entries