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Recente recensies door MidnightNoir

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17.8 uur in totaal (15.3 uur op moment van beoordeling)
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Honestly I love the concept of this game, and for the price I think it is a great game to do some detective work, of course I can't wait for more content, I like what I've been experiencing
Geplaatst 25 november 2023.
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86.2 uur in totaal (39.6 uur op moment van beoordeling)
I love the time period. This is one of the best Rome themed games out there. Honestly though, that does not say much, because that genre is not that big. I had fun.
Geplaatst 30 juni 2019.
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57.8 uur in totaal (49.8 uur op moment van beoordeling)
What can I say, Awesomenauts is awesome. it is a simple MOBA that is very different from games like dota 2, league of legends, ect. I love the difference between games and it is very fun and refreshing. I really think the game is worth the money and I give it a rating of 8/10
Geplaatst 27 mei 2015.
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17.4 uur in totaal
This game is really great. I must say this game for it's time is awesome, compared to Amnesia it is not all that much, but what can you expect since this game was created earlier. Penumbra really leaves you wanting more.

Penumbra is different from Amnesia, since you have weapons and can fight. It is a different experience that should be played. The fight mechanics are a little wonky and some of the puzzles are a bit odd, but it still is a great game. Overall I think Penumbra Overture gets a 8.9/10

Geplaatst 23 december 2014.
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22.2 uur in totaal (21.3 uur op moment van beoordeling)
This is a really fun game. I love the aspect of the town and all the jobs. The combat seems regular nothing to strange, but that isn't the reason I play the game. I play the game for the crafting gathering and village based gameplay. This game has an amazing Idea and is executed well overall I give it a 8.5/10.
Geplaatst 5 augustus 2014.
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116.4 uur in totaal (31.7 uur op moment van beoordeling)
What a great game. I fully enjoy this game with the different factions. So much replay abillity, a great Bethesda RPG. That being it has the typical Bethesda game. This game you start out as a courier who gets shot in the head. you then get dug up by a robo cop and healed by the local doctar. You later go on quests (Named after 50's based movies) to find these people who shot you. This game is great, I fully enjoy myself. It does have its problems though so I give it a 9/10
Geplaatst 10 maart 2014.
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0.5 uur in totaal (0.1 uur op moment van beoordeling)
This game is Really great It's worth the time (about 6 minutes) and worth the money (Free :D) I really love it and it showed me the different aspects to life for what it is I give this game a 10/10
Geplaatst 15 februari 2014.
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69.4 uur in totaal (68.1 uur op moment van beoordeling)
To judge this game is to compare it with the others. It is a okay game some graphic errors (how you hold a gun sometimes), but the story is based on west europe not the fantasy realm. A fun game but without that aspect it doesn't feel as fun this game doesnt seem to be a game of alternate history more of fantasy so I suggest Warband then this. Over all I give it a 4.6/10
Geplaatst 4 januari 2014.
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18.2 uur in totaal (12.7 uur op moment van beoordeling)
This game is amazing... So much to do like tournament if your good (Great Community). Also there is so much to do and alot of teams to play as. Once you get use to it (Not to hard to) this is just a great game and can't wait for the new one. Over all I give this game a 9.3/10
Geplaatst 1 december 2013.
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10.6 uur in totaal
Great game, Fun to mess around with... Sure the when the campain is done the game kinda is but it is still fun and a great game. When you first get this game, who doesnt put two portals, one on top one on the bottom, and just keep falling XD. Over all I give this game a 8.9/10
Geplaatst 8 september 2013.
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1-10 van 17 items weergegeven