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2 people found this review helpful
1.7 hrs on record
Early Access Review
Severe Bullshot going on.

Crafting system is nonsense.
Combat is like Oblivion melee, but somehow worse?

Skip it or get it cheap to get drunk and play.

Posted 18 December, 2016.
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0.2 hrs on record
Im getting a refund.
What I hoped for was a Marble Blast revival. Instead what I got was a nonsense physics system and randomized levels thus making the want to compete for fastest times die. Why have a game where level completition speed is the focus yet make the levels random AND not have the a quick restart button mapped?
Furthermore, the UI is bad and the game does bugger all to actually tell you what the ♥♥♥♥ you're doing.
It took me a couple of attempts to figure out that I wasn't supposed to be going after the gems, but instead the black spirits or whatever the ♥♥♥♥.

Posted 14 June, 2016.
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32 people found this review helpful
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7.8 hrs on record
Get gold edition.
Intenso literally breaks the ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ game making it a cake walk.
>Break any shield with ONE punch
>Recharge Health
Amongst other things.
End game becomes less fun and more tedious
Also, Developers haven't realased Mod Assests so creators can edit the Intenso character sprite.

So, thats virtually dead. Also, the implemented skins (Which they charged console users for), are hilariously lazy. Recylcing the same sound effects for every character except the female one.

Buy Gold.
Posted 7 June, 2016.
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1 person found this review helpful
3.6 hrs on record (1.9 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
(I ripped this straight from my facebook so)

I know I'm the indie person and all that. But I'm going to do an honest to goodness sales pitch here. It's for an amazing title that I have been following for a long time. Overgrowth by Wolfire. (http://blog.wolfire.com/2014/01/Overgrowth-a205-video-changelog) blog here.
This is a Third Person fighting game with a key focus on ninja rabbits.
The fighting is very bushido-blade esque. As in, each fight is a challenge. You will feel on the edge of your seat and you never quite know what will happen next. Not to mention, each fight is very free form.
Fighting an enemy with a sword? You can either stab them with it, or while they are charging you, throw the damn sword at them. However, this is where the game gets interesting. Most AI nowadays would just eat the spear and call it good. This AI however, is already sophisticated enough (In alpha mind you) to not only dodge the sword, but catch the sword, in mid throw, and then chase you with it
Each fight is as dynamic as you want it to be. One of my favorites was I was in a free for all. (1v1v1v1) and it was down to me and the last enemy. He had me cornered, so using the games awesome parkour system, I ran up the wall, backflipped over the enemy, gave myself a space advantage, sweep his legs from under him and kicked him in his dumbass rabbit face.
Another thing, as stated in his video in his blog, the dev states 'Its 2014, and I believe that people shouldn't have to restart their game in order to see graphic changes from the settings.' So if you switch your graphical settings, no restart needed. It happens in real time, and get this. Since the pause menu is literally just a popup box over the game, you will get to see the changes happen.
Now, here is where a lot of people would be like ugh no.
It is still an EARLY alpha. Like I'm talking command prompt boots from it. It still is kinda crashy, and its 30.00.
But trust me, this is a great investment. And you get a free game of Receiver from it.
The dev is actively working on it, posting constant updates on his blog with youtube videos describing what changes in every patch.
This is worth the 30.00 investment, trust me.
Posted 14 May, 2014.
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36.3 hrs on record (19.0 hrs at review time)
Fun. Addictive. Ninjatastic.
Super House Of Dead Ninjas is a wonderful game made for those who want to get better the more they try.
I have close to 18 hours on record and I do not regret a single moment. Even if I would have gotten this game at full price I'd still be satisfied.
The combat is solid, the gameplay is fun and the developers are very close to the community.
If I do have a single complaint is that sometimes the game is supposed to give you an award but it does not.
Its only happened with Horror and the ghosts but otherwise solid title.
Posted 24 December, 2013.
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Showing 1-5 of 5 entries