
Kert の最近のレビュー

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総プレイ時間:80.7時間 (レビュー投稿時点:20.0時間)
I never understand why companies like this dont make giving feedback easier. Even on their website when you click contact it opens the outlook. where is that from 2004? There could be an easy form on the site and even on the client.


The game itself is good but need a lot of details rethink.
投稿日 2017年11月17日.
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総プレイ時間:2,829.2時間 (レビュー投稿時点:395.2時間)
-Wide variety of users, reaching out to dozens of cultures.
-Most of the users are helpful, they will even go and kill mobs with you to help you, with no benefits to them whatsoever.
-It has unique PvP concept, its very fun.
-Leveling up is easy.

-People can lure any kind of mobs to you and kill you. I died 4 times fishing, at least dozens of time on partying/exping with genie.
-There is lack of compensations from bugs. I wasted 5 monster stones with no bosses inside the place. I want to get back my monster stones, but I have little to no hope so I dont even bother to write a customer support ticket. That must change.
-Some NPCs are not user-friendly. You must click close to 10 times to get a fast running(strong legs) script. Also, pay money.
-Priest and Mages should get some sort of skills to run fast. Even if its only usable in PvE areas.
-GM's or customer support agents should be online within the game, so knight online team can collect feedback and help people.
-I am paying user, which means I am premium YET, still I ahve to wait long times to join to the game. I think this is absurd. do not want to wait or hear reasons why I do have to wait. If I pay, I pay for benefits and its not a benefit to me if I have to wait 45 minutes to join server.
-If there is a lag or delay in the server. You might die to MOBS because they just appear out of nowhere and kill you. You lost 10 million experience which is worth 4 hours? No compensation of that experience not even a free genie worth of 4 hours. There should be a system where it detect lag and compensate if you die to mobs. DotA has this feature in a different perspective. If there is a connectivity issue, your game is cancelled and no one loses.
- Items that are not storeable. What is the meaning of this? Who does this benefit to ? its just a hindance to players/customers. It just feels like game is forcing you to buy extra inventory space(magic bags).
- I feel every part of the game that I am being annoyed to buy power-up items.
- There is no Item guide in the offical sites. There is no database of all items that can help people search through and see and plan what to wear, where to get that drop and all that jazz. Lack of content is absurd in year 2016.

Server : Cypher
Name : Kert
投稿日 2016年2月6日.
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総プレイ時間:9,147.3時間 (レビュー投稿時点:58.2時間)
One of the most played online game-franchise. I have been playing for close to 7-8 years. I wont write for the guys who already own this there are enough guides out there.
For new PLAYERS. Its very complex game; if you can concentrate well, predict and observer then you can be very good at this game. Its a team game and mostly fun with friends but Dota 2 community in steam is very friendly so just get a headset and start building your own friends and play together. Its much more fun when you get used to the people who you play with.
Its addictive game and the part I like most is that each round of game takes only 30-40 minutes and at most 70 minutes which is rare.
I am strongly against game which doesnt have and or kind of mmo-rpg. So have this game and see if you like it. Its FREE without limitations.
投稿日 2013年11月25日. 最終更新日 2013年11月25日
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