4 henkilön mielestä arvostelu on hyödyllinen
Yhden henkilön mielestä arvostelu on hauska
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0.0 tuntia kahden viime viikon aikana / yhteensä 538.2 tuntia (231.6 tuntia arvostelun laatimishetkellä)
Julkaistu: 26.7.2018 klo 13.36
Muutettu 27.11.2021 klo 9.41.
Tuote saatu ilmaiseksi

every single update buffs killers and nerfs the ♥♥♥♥ out of survivors, so if you are planning on playing the survivors side of this game then do not buy it, also this retarded game doesn't have dedicated servers which means the killer "host" can ♥♥♥♥ you up and lag switch whenever he wants and same thing for you when you are the host mostly you wont find survivors with good ping
next update survivors will probably start on the hook and the killer can instantly kill them lmao
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70 kommenttia
Boe Jiden 10.6.2020 klo 21.37 
They don't pick you up. You use unbreakable. You win. It's that easy
Meg Thomas 14.3.2020 klo 8.18 
lmfao this retard is talking about english now , ok punk lets see how you can argue with me in arabic ok ? also if you get farmed and left on ground how the fuck are you going to use the perk if the killer wont pick you up ? fucking dumb fuck talking shit about my english while he cant understand shit lol
Boe Jiden 26.2.2020 klo 21.15 
Flashlights are literally better than ever. The killer can get blinded after looking away now. Idk if it's because the servers or the buff, but it's actually insane. And I usually don't loose, I'm still 4king average out here, but that's probably just because I only go against rank 4-8 now because I can never pip from my 4ks and I don't play often. Bro, your English is so bad. I can't even decipher the rest of that paragraph. If you get unhooked and downed before the locker... then you still have DS???? If you are farmed... then you still have ds??? That's literally the entire point of the perk. Do you even know how DS works at all? LMAO. You are so fuckin dumb dude
Meg Thomas 26.2.2020 klo 12.34 
ok retard and what if you get unhooked and then downed before you could reach a locker ? and what if you get farmed? and what if you got killed on your first hook after carrying the game then your retarded team left you to die ? how is DS usefull at this situation ?
i havnt played because this is my sec acc and i dont have time to play 100 games at the same time also with the long queue times for killer so yeah fuck off punk
Meg Thomas 26.2.2020 klo 12.31 
ok retard
first of all yea they nerfed SOME killers but after how many years ? and after nerfing the whole survivors side , its not like they nerfed the killer m1 attacks, you are a fucking retarded clown , punk.
they "buffed" flashlights AFTER they already nerfed them to shit and they are still shit compared to what they were, about exhaustion if you play killer and lose survivors easy then you are a fucking noob and that doesnt mean survivors are good, even if the trapper isnt top tier that doesnt remove the fact he got buffed also of course they cant make all killer top tier ,retard
how much timer slows down ? you are talking like it slows down to 10 minutes, also not sure again what are you talking about with " if you all died you dont deserve an escape" how the fuck you expect someone to escape if he died ?
Boe Jiden 25.1.2020 klo 0.53 
point 6: This is where you showed yourself as an ignorant mf. You can literally force DS by jumping into a locker. The killer will then be FORCED to pick you up and eat your ds or leave you alone unless he is a trapper who can place a trap. Even then, a teammate can disarm it and you get away free. What else is he going to do, wait in front of the locker for a minute and a half while 3 gens pop? And not to mention that this can happen EIGHT times a game if four people run if the killer doesn't just eat them after the first hook every time. It's broken as shit. You are a pleb, my friend. I see you haven't played in two weeks, so I assume you got tired of being rank 12 and finally quit. Good riddance, m8
Boe Jiden 25.1.2020 klo 0.45 
Point 4. Timer slows down when there's a hooked survivor and I've never seen that bug in my life. Point 5. I will agree that there is rng to the spawn points of the exit gates as they sometimes spawn to close. I think they need to be programmed to spawn further apart. But if you are smart, you should wait at a gate, wait for engame, then open it. It's a 50/50 chance of survival. You all died. You don't really deserve an escape at that point...
Boe Jiden 25.1.2020 klo 0.45 
But to counter your arguments, while they did speed up the rate at which survivors are picked up, they also buffed flashlights to be counter balance this, leaving flashlights in a much easier state than before, so your first points is just ignorant nonsense. Point 2, you should still get like 5 exhaustion states in one game. If you don't, you're just shit at losing the killer. Point 3. Trapper is still mid tier. Yes, he got buffed. He got buffed from bottom tier to mid. Duh. Still not viable against swf or red ranks.
Boe Jiden 25.1.2020 klo 0.40 
"Only survivors get nerfed." Well that aged like fine wine LMAO. Spirit nerfed. Nurse nerfed, Oni nerfed (albeit reverted to a less nerfed state), Ruin destroyed, devs planning on nerfing even more slow-down perks, devs stated no plans on nerfing commonly used survivor perks. You're a fucking clown, mate,
Meg Thomas 20.9.2019 klo 5.20 
6: "Decisive strike is literally better than it used to be" now this is the best joke , because now when you get your first hook and the perk activates the best thing to do is run away from the killer right ? but then you wont have a chance to use DS, so what do you suggest running to the killer and forcing him to down you ? ok you did that and now the killer slug and leaves you on the floor and you loose DS and then you get hooked again , congrats.
lastly this retarded comment doesnt make any sense ""And guess what, instead of complaining for nerfs, I'm just not gonna pick people up for two minutes after I slug if they look like they run it. That or I'll just run enduring and spirit furry.""
why would you complain lol ? you play killer you got buffed, only survivors get nerfed in this game
now ill wait for you to negate any of my repiles