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Reseñas recientes de Meeryx

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312.4 h registradas (36.2 h cuando escribió la reseña)
I've never really enjoyed Simulator games, to be entire real and direct with you, the person reading my review. I always find them too complicated to the point if feels they don't want to be played. HOWEVER, this game, and by extent this developer's other similar game, Euro Truck, doesn't fall in that same problem. Hell, I can't exactly explain HOW this game is great, but it's been so long since I've played a game 12 hours uninterrupted, and this game managed to make me do that again. So hell yeah I recommend it if you like driving games and most definitely doubly recommend it so if you like Simulators. Can't really help more than that, my guy.
Publicada el 1 de enero de 2021.
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Nadie ha calificado este análisis como útil todavía
18.4 h registradas (17.0 h cuando escribió la reseña)
I'm making a more recent review of the game, based off memory:
No More Room in Hell takes a more accurate stance on the whole zombie apocalypse thing, no more are the games where you play as someone who is magically immune to the disease that has taken so many. Infection is an actual game mechanic that you need to work around. With both a temporary and permanent solution to it.
Do you use the antibiotic pills to stave it off a bit longer? Or do you use the incredibly rare cure and risk wasting it in the next 5 minutes? Do you waste your ammo on killing a few more of the undead horde? Or do you keep one to spare your allies from having to deal with your reanimated corpse?

I know I make the game sound dramatic, but allow me to be a bit more grounded down, at the end of the day it's a source game, with Source limitations, the first person animations look amazing, but the third person animations are goofy as all hell. So while the entire game mechanics, tone, and setting are all this grim and dark spooky scenario, when you're in game there can still have a lot of comedic situations.
Many people play on infinite ammo servers, and I don't blame them, but even on those servers I end up wanting to use a heavy melee weapon from time to time.
Also, remember, as Romero told us. Aim for the head, Destroy the brain.
Publicada el 16 de septiembre de 2015. Última edición: 20 de junio de 2018.
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2 personas han encontrado divertida esta reseña
177.5 h registradas (92.7 h cuando escribió la reseña)
Finally, a game that it's main purpose is to mod the ever living hell out of it.

This is the original ''Mod it 'til it crashes'' game.

Spawned 500 explosive barrels, put it in one room, shot them, game crashed. 10/10
Publicada el 27 de mayo de 2015.
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Nadie ha calificado este análisis como útil todavía
5.2 h registradas (1.8 h cuando escribió la reseña)
Really wish I didn't have an odd lag every time I play.
I also wish I could go further but due to my lag-induced inexperience, I don't bother playing online.
But still, guys, L O D S OF E M O N E. What's that spell? LOADSAMONEY
Publicada el 21 de mayo de 2015.
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7.5 h registradas (3.7 h cuando escribió la reseña)
''It's time to chew ass'' - ♥♥♥♥ Kickem
It follows classic Duke Nukem gameplay, but adds useless side animations (Pissing, Eating, Making popcorn, Drawing penises on chalkboards, playing SlotMachines,) which gives you EGO boosts.

But when it comes to combat, they tried too hard to give it a Triple A game feel to it.
But I, unlike others, appreciate their effort.

In short, if you really really enjoyed Duke Nukem 3D as a child, and forgot such things as Stories from all the old games, this Duke game's illogical story (''♥♥♥♥ America's safety, where are they taking our babes?'') will just let you go into the gun-happy frenzy you were supposed to do.

Threw poop at an enemy 10/10
Publicada el 21 de mayo de 2015.
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2.9 h registradas (1.6 h cuando escribió la reseña)
What would be America made a game?
What would happen if you compressed all Freedomiums of America into one thing.
This is it.
Publicada el 21 de mayo de 2015.
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0.6 h registradas
This is a game that where if your computer is not meant to play high-detailed games, you will get violently destroyed. Now, I'm pretty sure that if I didn't have such terrible lag, I would love it, which is why I put a reccomendation on the game. I'm not really sure what's going on half the time, and with who I played, if they played hard and long enough to unlock new characters for their class, I'm pretty damn sure they love it.

Got hit by the monster and no clipped into a house with no way out.

Also, sorry for being such a terrible medic.
Publicada el 2 de noviembre de 2014.
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0.6 h registradas (0.3 h cuando escribió la reseña)
Reseña de Acceso anticipado
Extremely, extremely hard to get into. You start off naked with no pants, which is already a little bothersome, And with no supplies. One would say: "Oh, just go and find them" Which, indeed wouldn't be an issue if EVERYWHERE YOU ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ GO THERE'S AN INFESTATION OF ZOMBIES.
I once found a gun and said "Finally, I can get a foothold and can actually play!" Wrong. Wrong. Two bullets in the ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ gun. This wouldn't be an issue if there was somewhere to be able to start, but that isn't the case. This game may be free but it was a huge waste of my time.
Publicada el 14 de agosto de 2014.
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