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Análises recentes de McMaster

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24.7 horas registradas (12.6 horas no momento da análise)
This game is excellent and full of surprises. Incorporating a fantastic plot and atmosphere, lore gets steadily revealed, keeping things fresh and interesting. Each Level offers a unique memorable design and is full of details, especially in the slower paced horror sections. The music in this game is phenomenal and complements the chaos you create in the most perfect way. Crank the volume and wear headphones for an unrivaled experience. You can tell this game was made with passion and the dev team knew exactly what they wanted to create and executed it brilliantly. Highly recommend to anyone who wants a fresh, fast paced, immersive fear-style shootout with around 8-10hrs of gameplay.
Publicada em 25 de maio.
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0.6 horas registradas
OW2 is inferior to OW1 in almost every way. The monetization and battle-pass system in this game is criminal. This game is still fun to play with friends once in a blue moon but it still leaves me missing the old OW1 experience that I paid for. The currency you earn in game to buy skins has been nerfed to practical non-existence. No more free loot-boxes, profile levels/borders, or any sense of pride/individuality/community. Not to mention how the PVE element is no longer free despite that being the promise since OW2s conception. I wish they'd simply restore OW1, remove this mess, and forget it ever happened. It's lost its identity for comical levels of monetization.
For those leaving positive reviews saying the game itself is good is missing the point. Reviewing the core mechanics, gameplay, and experience that Overwatch 1 curated is not how you review a sequel like this. You compare the two different games and review the differences. Is it a proper sequel? is the change in content adding or subtracting from the experience? Or is it better to just stick with the original?
They've mascaraed one of my favorite casual and competitive experiences for short-term gains at the expense of longevity. It is absolutely a negative experience by comparison.
Publicada em 13 de agosto de 2023. Última edição em 13 de agosto de 2023.
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1 pessoa achou esta análise útil
35.8 horas registradas (19.9 horas no momento da análise)
A worthy and beautiful addition to the Metro series
Publicada em 2 de março de 2019.
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2 pessoas acharam esta análise útil
722.0 horas registradas (83.0 horas no momento da análise)
Análise de acesso antecipado
They've fixed the issues and I couldn't be happier with this game
Publicada em 7 de junho de 2018.
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6.5 horas registradas (1.4 horas no momento da análise)
I never thought a game could give personalities to shapes.
Publicada em 6 de maio de 2014.
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