Man Cave Mike 15 Dec, 2024 @ 9:39pm 
Thanks MissNurseXochi. I know I am getting old, had to google what based meant lol
MissNurseXochi 15 Dec, 2024 @ 8:21pm 
+rep Based!
FreeQ 6 May, 2024 @ 1:35am 
You´re welcome man, Helldivers 2 is great fun! In case you´re interested, I´ve made a group, Gentlemen Divers, for the reason you wrote about in the discussion forum (non toxic co-op gaming). All nice and team oriented people. Check my profile if you like.
FreeQ 19 Apr, 2024 @ 5:41am 
You´re welcome, man!
FreeQ 19 Apr, 2024 @ 1:39am 
Hi Mike, I´ve answered to your post in Helldivers 2 and had similar experiences with co-op gaming (esp. in Payday2) until I gave it another shot with Deep Rock Galactic and cured that "wound". There still are gentle and relaxed gamers out there. If you ever consider giving co-op another try I´d gladly help you out and show you around in Helldivers 2 if you decide buying it. That said have a good one!
GalvazimGX 14 Jan, 2024 @ 10:52am 
@Chip Patton

"@GalvazimGX This goes so much further than politics. This is a war.

I hope you don't own the game because those developers will snoop through your profile and comments and they will ban you and if they really hate what you have said or the support you get from it, they'll even VAC ban you too (again see my review)."

I already had the game but removed it from my account.
Man Cave Mike 7 Jan, 2024 @ 2:03pm 
Ya I am a binge player, Ill play something for 3 to 4 month exclusively then move on. I am currently into SWTOR Diablo 4 and Outriders
Chip Patton 7 Jan, 2024 @ 1:54pm 
You must have had some fun there - I don't get burned out unless I was having fun at some point ;)

Hope to see you playing it soon though. I am hosting a PVP server, but as you know, our community has very little PVP because people usually conduct themselves like decent human beings - but the option is there, nonetheless.
Man Cave Mike 7 Jan, 2024 @ 1:45pm 
Thanks @ Chip but I only do PVP on official servers. Ill pve on unofficial, but I am taking a break from the game until its finished. I burned myself out with over 600 hours when it released.
Chip Patton 7 Jan, 2024 @ 1:07pm 
Talking to FriendlyMedic on this issue (dev) he seemed to indicate this was a server-load issue and sounds and such in the simulation being prioritized very low. I would assume that playing on official servers and whatnot would exacerbate the issue.

But... you also know that the servers are run are usually 100x better than any official server out there lol. None of those in my community are noticing any issues with sound. Rarely we'll notice we don't hear a helicopter that is flying full speed but the moment it changes course or shoots a gun we hear it from half-way across the map lol. I think this is a problem with model streaming and sound not playing until the models appropriately stream in to the client which again could be latency and server load issues.
Chip Patton 7 Jan, 2024 @ 1:07pm 
We were able to get the ping of the server WAY down for everyone by nixing the stream reverse proxy too - this fixed all sorts of issues we were experiencing including people getting randomly kicked from the server. My own ping to the server went from 60m/s to just 8m/s and that's appropriate being it's just down the street from me in my company's office.
Man Cave Mike 6 Jan, 2024 @ 9:22am 
The sound doesnt Exist. You dont hear ppl shooting at you until they are right on you. You can raid through bases and be in 4 doors and wont hear a thing
Chip Patton 6 Jan, 2024 @ 4:20am 
What was the sound issue? I know the env sounds are too loud and I just turn it down in the options ;)
Man Cave Mike 6 Jan, 2024 @ 4:02am 
I have the front. waiting for them to fix the 1000 bugs. But its a decent game.

Currently the sound issues caused me to take a break from it. I been doing more rpg style games as of late. The sound issue on The Front killed it for me atm.

Dont care to share anything about avorion, game is dead to me as far as MP goes. Ill play SP maybe if ever that bored. I moved on.

That game is like my ex wife. A waste of time best left in the past.
Chip Patton 6 Jan, 2024 @ 3:57am 
Might be worth sharing or commenting on if they haven't banned you already:

Also if you're looking for a game that is very anti-woke - the Front is fantastic. I see you have tried it but I do have that monster server hosting it right now and we get upwards of about 20+ players during peek times (which is Saturday). Seems like only us older folks with jobs play :P because the week days are barren.
Chip Patton 6 Jan, 2024 @ 3:54am 
Seems we have a LOT in common, You're 2 years older than me, and seems we have other very similar views lol.

This is a war though and there is no way we can hide from it - that's the one thing my ban taught me. This war isn't right vs left either, it's good vs evil, God vs Satan. You can't take a neutral stance in this war - if you do, you will be run over by it as we both were.
Man Cave Mike 6 Jan, 2024 @ 3:52am 
@Chip Yup you did. I tried to keep politics out of my game, but I am the bigot because I only see 2 genders. I said nothing bad about others. But if you dont confess there are more than 2 genders, well you are banned you biggot!

Well the Avorion devs can take their genders, benders, ♥♥♥♥♥ and my bigotry and shove it so far up their yahoo they will be walking straight for once in their lives. I just dont care about drama or what people think anymore.

I am 45, too old to be bothered by kids and far left agenda.

I am white, republican, Trump supporting, Christian American who just wants to enjoy a good game away from politics.

But if they wanna bring it, well, they can take a long walk off a short pier,

BTW Thanks again for your service to out country!
Chip Patton 5 Jan, 2024 @ 7:04pm 
@Toothless, I did warn you 2 years ago bro XD
Chip Patton 5 Jan, 2024 @ 6:52pm 
@GalvazimGX This goes so much further than politics. This is a war.

I hope you don't own the game because those developers will snoop through your profile and comments and they will ban you and if they really hate what you have said or the support you get from it, they'll even VAC ban you too (again see my review).
Chip Patton 5 Jan, 2024 @ 6:51pm 
@Mr Incarnadine

"Ignorant beliefs"

Isn't it your side that says "trust the science"?

What is it medical science tells us about indulging someone in their delusions, again? Oh, right - it's not healthy.

Please don't lecture people on ignorance and "beliefs" when you can't even create a coherent argument on your belief.
Man Cave Mike 2 Jan, 2024 @ 5:39pm 
NP @ Manjaro. Sadly, a good game is ruined by devs allowing political agendas to be pushed into their game.
ManJaro 2 Jan, 2024 @ 3:57pm 
I almost bought avorion. thank you. Remove from my wishlist :47_thumb_up:
GalvazimGX 14 Dec, 2023 @ 5:59pm 
@Miss Incarnadine

oh great. the ol "bigot" routine of name calling. Do yourself a favor and try and debate me. better yet, if you cant have a nice debate, you would be better off not replying and instead sit in your safe space, where you belong. that would be nice.
Man Cave Mike 14 Dec, 2023 @ 2:31pm 
Thanks @GalvazimGX This is just an example of the Left being so hate filled. They try to force you to see it their way or you're a bigot.
Miss Incarnadine 14 Dec, 2023 @ 10:19am 
I'm sorry you're a bad person with stupid, bigoted, ignorant beliefs.
GalvazimGX 14 Dec, 2023 @ 8:50am 
Hey. I am just commenting here in vouch for your support on the avorion topic regarding that TreeDev crap thats been going on. I wholeheartedly agree with you, Politics should not be in games yet these bastards are targeting free thinking people like you and me. Dont give up. God is within us all and there are only two genders. Male and Female.
V0X1M1R 3 Nov, 2023 @ 1:10pm 
⣿⣿⡇⠜⠙⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿ ⠀
GuRu Asaki 11 Oct, 2023 @ 5:36pm 
I Love Your Avatar on STEAM...
My Pronouns Are: Hahahaaaa...
GuRu Asaki 11 Oct, 2023 @ 5:35pm 
Naming And Shaming?

I hate to break it to you, but Valve's Rules & Regulations are
basically rigged against you as a User... If you Disobey them,
then you'll likely be punished, but Valve can let anyone else
disobey them however Valve chooses...

If you think that is unfair? It technically is for the Users...

Something needs to give, People need to stand up against this...
--- Yes, you'll get in trouble, but that is the point, is that you
get in trouble, but don't stop getting in trouble... You don't quit,
because it shows very much that your not going to let Valve
boss you around...

It's either that, or just let Valve do whatever they want, but
like you think? It's not fair, & your being taken advantage of...

Valve's Rules should be broken, because they themselves
won't respect their own Rules, & won't provide a fair Agreement...

Worried about your Account being Perma Banned?
There are ways around that... Don't use your Account...
Bad 💀 Motha 30 Sep, 2023 @ 3:06am 
Thanks. :cozybethesda: Glad to help. Never a problem. If need help just drop me a line. If I can't help I probably know someone else who can. :epicstickman::bigbrother:
Aoxnrovix 29 Jul, 2023 @ 9:50am 
Dead Frontier is garbage.
seee_jay 1 May, 2023 @ 3:55pm 
All is well for sure! DF just doesn't hold my attention like it used to, I play for a couple days a year then get bored with it... maybe it's because I'm a CS crackhead now
seee_jay 28 Apr, 2023 @ 4:27am 
Hey it's zombiekiller444 from DF
The Norfire 9 Apr, 2023 @ 5:12pm 
Hope you have a Happy Easter and a wonderful time in gaming! :steamhappy:
Man Cave Mike 16 Jan, 2023 @ 2:20am 
Had Stomach Surgery, so if you see me online and I dont reply, I am using steam link to cast to my tv, I am not at my desk, and cant reply using a controller. Ill respond when I can sit at my desk or message me again in 2 weeks.

Thanks for understanding
UmbraAtrox 28 Dec, 2022 @ 2:19am 
Search for "the boys" in steam points shop for BG
MissNurseXochi 27 Dec, 2022 @ 3:40pm 
feliz navidad!
Man Cave Mike 5 Dec, 2022 @ 2:52pm 
Its ok, I took a page out of his democratic play book, and reported him for harassment and threats. :) 2 can play that game.
Branded Swordsman 𒉭 5 Dec, 2022 @ 2:27pm 
Yep, Jason is definitely a troll or just mentally challenged.
Horked 31 Oct, 2022 @ 3:57am 
so i was just passing by to check if you had gotten your new rig yet - and then i read the Lufka comments, what title are you talking about here? i want to hard pass it too lol
Man Cave Mike 14 Sep, 2022 @ 1:38am 
damn, you said nothing ban worthy. Appreciate it, gonna give this a hard pass, maybe if its on a 3rd party key site for $10 ill snag it
Lufka 14 Sep, 2022 @ 1:37am 
and i got banned, now figure out how bad it is if they have to hire mods to delete every negative comment
Man Cave Mike 14 Sep, 2022 @ 1:36am 
Ty for the info @Lufka and yeah, deleting info like that is foobar. I hate censorship. I am gonna pass, if they are doing crap like that ty
Lufka 14 Sep, 2022 @ 1:34am 
- unable to pickup stuff from dead bodies
- driving physics, car jumps on a straight road
- npc cars horn stays permanent
- steam overlay did not work when i got the achievement
- cant shoot from the car / cant jump out while driving
- random npc attacks me after loding the game
- glitching camera when driving
- npcs not having any life, the same people in the same places doing the same thing
- npcs standing or moving in idle positon after death
- broken relic chip effect not fading away untill reloading the save
Lufka 14 Sep, 2022 @ 1:34am 
you see, they delete any negative comment almost instantly

steam level 64 with 16 year experience, just from a couple hours of gameplay :
- hud randomly disapeared
- could not finish the objective without reloading the game
- fov changed itself
- (spoiler) there was some corp guy beaten by police and i offered to finish their job, police sit in the car and just stayed there, i let that corp guy to go away, he walked trough the police car that shouldnt be there
- missing voice lines for dialogues / failed lip sync
- non existing ragdoll / bodies floating in air
Back Door Bandit 29 Jul, 2022 @ 10:41pm 
Nice setup!
Man Cave Mike 4 Jun, 2022 @ 7:41pm 
@Vastravax thx, Fed♥♥♥♥s are late, monitor now has no delivery date So in a day or 2 most likely.
Orange 4 Jun, 2022 @ 3:32pm 
Setup looking nice! Cannot wait to see the updated version.
kyu 10 Feb, 2022 @ 3:44pm 
added for some arpg suggestions since i saw ur Lost Ark thread :D
Grayo 26 Jan, 2022 @ 3:03pm 
yup the @ works perfectly fine. cheers mate