Dagoth Chan
I'm a God. How can you kill a God?   Swaziland
"Some people are like clouds. When they go away, it's a brighter day"

''Everything that's possible is possible''

-A tool

After a long day of work, Kanye West goes to his Kanye Nest to take his Kanye Rest. He wakes up feeling his Kanye Best. Then he’ll get Kanye Dressed on his Kanye Vest to go on a Kanye Quest. He goes to church and becomes Kanye Blessed, then to a hotel room to be a Kanye Guest. Then to school to take his Kanye Test. He forgot to brush his teeth. Did he run out of Kanye Crest? His neighbor stole it, what a Kanye Pest.
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This is my C0DA, there are many like it, but this one is mine
Chapter 1

"Com Nerevar," Dagoth-Chan bekond to me, the 23 year old Breton Mage.

"Frend or trateor, come and 'Pollish' my longsord."

I walked tentatively forward, unble to fel my legs after the beeting I had reseeved from Jarl Balgruff. From my pack I produced a can of Altmer Brasso and an old rag and polllished his sord for him.

Chapter too

"Suck it." Master Dagoth commanded me. I whipped bac my long black hair, and descended unto his godly 16 inch member.

After 45 minutes of going up and down on the huge member, I slid it into my hole, and 2 hours later later, I cummed at the same time he did.

"WHAT IS THIS?!" Lord Vivec announced, from the back of the chamber.

I quickly dismounted Dagoth-sama, and put on a robe. Dagoth Ur did the same.

"Vi-Vivec…" I said, with my luxurious accent wavering nervously. "I can explane!" I claimed.

"No…" A voice said from the other doorway. "You cannot." A thich Nord accent announced.

"M-master Balgruff!" I gasped, becoming very redden on the face.

"I think you need punishment" Vivec announces. "Yes, I agree." Balgruff states.

Vivec ripped of his loincloth, revealing a 30 inch grey and gold and Balgruff his robes, revealing a 28 inch penis.

Hey dived forward, Vivec penetrating my wet ♥♥♥♥♥, and balgruff my anus.
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Well I can say that I played with WarOwl...
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Created by - kZillo and Frodo My Baggins
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•Before the match starts, don't press accept. It's a test. •The P in P90 stands for Pro. Like you. •When told to pick up the AWP, stare at it and go AFK. •Don't buy kits, this is actually team death match, the bomb wont ever get planted. •You are amazing w
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Mezuru 17 Jun @ 8:23am 
Ready to kick some gaming butt?
Goltirg 14 Jun @ 7:04am 
Your profile rocks! Play?
Saithihelm 12 Jun @ 10:29am 
Let's make some noise with our scores!
Aralis 8 Jun @ 8:02am 
Cool profile pic!
Tujin 29 May @ 10:44am 
+rep very nice and non-toxic player✊
Gosho 13 Mar @ 10:08am 
lets play together