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Mao Zedong. Quotations from Chairman Mao Tsetung, Must listen when reading

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Mao Zedong, (1893-1976), ruled China from 1949 to his death. Chairman Mao founded the People’s
Republic of China, a single party communist state. On seizing power, Mao purged political enemies and
redistributed land from its owners to people’s communes, systematically executing the former landowners.
Mao’s agricultural innovations led to famine. Mao interpreted criticism of his failures as subversion, and
initiated the Cultural Revolution, killing millions and enslaving tens of millions in forced agricultural labor.
Mao’s policies led to the death of forty to seventy million Chinese by famine and executions. However,
under Mao’s rule the average Chinese laborer’s life improved, if the worker survived. Women prospered,
education and health care expanded, all people were housed, and life expectancy grew. Mao Zedong
extinguished more of his citizens than did his contemporaries, Lenin, Stalin, and Hitler, whose victims
numbered tens of millions each. Mao tops the twentieth-century’s bumper crop of sociopathic dictators.
Mao is history’s preeminent mass murderer.

1. The Communist Party. Chinese communism is Marxist-Leninist. The communist party
organizes commoners to end imperialism. The party should control the army and unite all
revolutionary forces within China. The party and the people control everything. By
“rectification” and “self-criticism,” one means ridding China of whatever is wrong. The party
exists to implement policies. Policies prove to be right or wrong; we learn by experience.

2. Classes and Class Struggle. History consists in one class exterminating another. Thoughts
betray the class from which they emerged. Society changes as one class contradicts and
supersedes its predecessor. American reactionary ruling elite oppresses blacks. These people
do not represent the majority of American whites. Reactionary forces must be actively
destroyed; they never vanish of their own accord. Revolution is class violence; dismiss your
pettifogged objections to the contrary. Revolutions fail when parties unite to attack enemies
that are not the real enemy. Look to the poor for allies. Enemies are warlords, bureaucrats,
economic collaborators, landlords, and the intellectual class that supports imperialism. Allies
are industrial workers. Those who waffle may become enemies, and so must be watched.
Allies take the communist side. Your battle goes well when the enemy attacks you and paints
you as beasts. Learn what enemies support; oppose it. After armed enemies are beaten,
unarmed ones will remain. The latter pose a grave threat. Long after fighting ends, the war
against imperialism will not really be over. Revisionists are faux Marxists who in fact
propagate capitalism. They must be rooted out.

3. Socialism and Communism. Communism is an ideology and a progressive, rational social
system. Socialism inexorably replaces capitalism; it is a law of history. Democracy leads to
socialism; socialism to communism. Mao manipulates the social structure of China to
increase industrial and agricultural production. Hardest to integrate into the new socialist
system are a small number of recalcitrant intellectuals. To consolidate peasant farming into a
socialist agriculture requires educating the peasants. This is a serious problem. Peasants and
lower middle class, who are more than eighty percent of China’s population, must be united in
their opposition to old capitalists. The poor peasants will accomplish this task. Middle class
peasants tend toward capitalism; some grow richer, while others sink. The state must crush
middle class independence so all the poor face a similar plight. Mao intends to plan the entire
Chinese economy. China’s poor are numerous and blank. Write what you will on their
minds. Mao aspires to a Marxist abolition of state power, but later, after classes have been
abolished. The state apparatus perseveres until no longer needed. The state must root out
opponents, seize land and oppress landowners, crush criminals, and oppose foreign enemies
forcefully. Mao’s reforms can be undone in only a few decades; one must remain vigilant.
Capitalists become new men when forced to do manual labor. The Chinese communist party
has ten million members, but they are a small percentage of China’s 600 million people. This
fact demands strong bonds between party and people.
Epitome by Brad Lancaster, © 2013. Website:
Page 2 of 6.

4. The Correct Handling of Contradictions Among the People. Dissent from enemies differs
from dissent of the people. The people’s dissent emerges from their varied interests, which
can be reconciled. The discordant voices of enemies aim to injure. Right actions unite
nationalities, benefit the people, consolidate dictatorship, centralize power, and strengthen the
Chinese communist party, while helping international communism. One must stay balanced
on questions of who are enemies. All are not friends, nor are the people enemies, even when
they voice discontent. To create communist collectives, the party relies on revolution,
democracy, collectivization, self-criticism, and developing productivity. One meets disputes
among the people by discussion and education, not repression. One can trust this educative
process because communist revolution has placed all in the same basic circumstances. The
middle capitalists can be won over, though if badly handled can become enemies (as
happened in Hungary). Only the imperialists and landlords and their bureaucrats lie beyond

5. War and Peace. All is politics. War is bloody politics. Just wars promote progressive
ideals. Communist revolutionary war destroys the enemy without and within. All political
power relies on lethal coercion. Peasants throw off their landlords by guns. Mao opposes
war. He uses guns to get rid of guns, once and for all, initiating a perpetual peace. Mao
wants to peacefully co-exist with western capitalists, but remains wary of them. Mao
opposes, but does not shrink from, a third world war. One must remain vigilant, especially
the army.

6. Imperialism and All Reactionaries Are Paper Tigers. Everything contains both itself and
its opposite (unity of opposites). Capitalists are both real and paper tigers, as are the people.
The people’s real tiger is rising, while the capitalists’ paper tiger is coming to the fore. The
people know, strategically, that they will prevail. Tactically, however, they need to know that
the capitalists still have teeth. Hitler, the Tsar, the Chinese emperor and Japan’s as well: all
were paper tigers, now overthrown. So too will the United States fall. Its far flung military
bases alienate the Chinese and Arab peoples. The world’s people should oppose U.S.
imperialism and their allies as well.

7. Dare to Struggle and Dare to Win. The world’s people should unite to defeat the U.S. Kill
monsters! Chinese people love peace, but when attacked, are not cowed, and respond with
overwhelming force and ferocity. Stay prepared to fight, but fight only when the clash is

8. People’s War. The Chinese revolution is a mass movement. In people, in their millions, lies
its strength. We need a regular army, and also guerilla militias, each of which is an essential
arm of the state. Generals do what is possible, given the circumstances, to destroy the enemy
without destroying one’s own army. These are our principles for battle: a) cherry-pick weak
or isolated forces, b) take small and rural targets first, c) weaken the enemy, and do not waste
resources holding ground, d) fight only when certain of prevailing by outnumbering the
opponent an
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