serph 24 Aug, 2021 @ 7:57am 
MadLordSoul 3 Jul, 2021 @ 1:24am 
MacDB 11 Apr, 2021 @ 5:11am 
Thank you for your kind words :) I'm glad people enjoy my maps after so many years.
Oppenheimer 4 Apr, 2021 @ 5:25am 
Because i also saw your 3rd map Rooftops and its perfect aswell.
Oppenheimer 4 Apr, 2021 @ 5:23am 
You guys should continue on making maps together
MacDB 4 Apr, 2021 @ 2:18am 
I ported (voice acting) the story from another game, as for the map, I created it mostly myself, but Suspiciously Awesome also helped. Because he's awesome ;)
Oppenheimer 3 Apr, 2021 @ 1:12pm 
Ianna's temple is very good; Did you ported it from a game or somewhere or did you done it all by yourself?
UltimateDesbear 2 Jan, 2021 @ 11:40am 
Mac, my dude, my man, my favourite bank. You know me, i'm in your chat like once a month to subscribe to your Twitch and i disappear right after that. now don't let that fool you. I still am, very much, a Fan of yours and i request your Steam-friendship via this comment.

Tempo_Cor 18 Sep, 2019 @ 5:02pm 
Welp I made a bad choice in picking a raider, gg
rastaswag6 23 Aug, 2019 @ 4:23pm 
Najlepszy Harec jakiego widziałem
Tempo_Cor 1 Apr, 2019 @ 2:58pm 
gg rak
Luka2000 1 Jan, 2019 @ 4:47am 
Happy New year!
Fox 31 Dec, 2018 @ 3:15pm 
Happy New NepNep Year! OwO :luf:
Luka2000 18 Nov, 2018 @ 12:18pm 
Thank you so much for Iannas Temple you dont even know how grateful i am.
BernstvdBuurt 28 May, 2018 @ 11:27am 
Ianna's Temple is awesome!!! are you gonna finish it?
goob 17 Oct, 2017 @ 3:16pm 
Adding for mapping, recommended by someone else
Kris_o 11 Oct, 2017 @ 4:04pm 
First off. This will be a two part comment because of Steam's 1,000 characters thing.
Ianna's Temple, has a great story. It had so much potential and it was going so far, but then it was canceled, at Episode 3. It was a sad way to go. But you can still make it happen. I still don't really know why you would cancel it, but this is what I've learned from that. (I'm just assuming) You doubt yourself, but has that every helped anyone? No, not really. This is a lot like Half-Life, a loved and cherished game, that came to a quick end with a few words. I know that Ianna's Temple isn't like Half-Life, but still, if the people liked it, don't take it away. Put it out there. Let the people of Gmod play it, and love it.
Kris_o 11 Oct, 2017 @ 3:59pm 
Now, if you have already given up on Ianna's Temple, then I'm sorry for making you read this, if you still are. But the fans of Ianna's Temple and I are here for you, and really want this to be more of a thing. So, don't let stupid kids and people put you down, rise, and push them aside to do the things you love. That is the most important thing to do in life. If you do want you love, you'll keep doing it, and become better at it, maybe even make something that would be a journey of a lifetime. And that is all I wanted to say. If you made it this far, please, think about it. Ianna's Temple could be something great, and it could all start with you. We're here for you. So, do great, become great, live great. ~Quack out.
icare 5 Mar, 2017 @ 11:29am 
You're home, go drunk. :spycon:
Tipoff Giggots 21 Nov, 2016 @ 8:07pm 
Why did you cancel Ianna's Temple?
brasch 21 Nov, 2016 @ 6:46pm 
I see that Ianna's Temple was cancelled. It's a shame, but I understand.

You did give us probably some of the best maps I've ever seen in Garry's Mod. Good one. :^)
MacDB 11 Jun, 2016 @ 2:29pm 
123 11 Jun, 2016 @ 2:07pm 
Thank u for the Ianna's Temple map even if it was kinda short with part 2 , im looking forward to see part 3 and more coming , keep it up , u have talent !