Robert Bopkins   Antarctica
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Crusader Kings III
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Created by - Signal
589 ratings
A perfect guide to make your parents disappointed in you and ask where they went wrong
♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ MOUNTAIN, USA
This is when the Failed Rehabilitation arc starts and they try seducing you with their hag bodies in order to cure your Uohhism.

Admiral Shark Expert: I'm under the impression you hate fun

BurnedToast: some kids came to my door begging for food and I told them they could ♥♥♥♥ right off :p

Resolute Guardian: oh giant diesel-powered olive-picking vagina truck, you are everything I ever wanted

BurnedToast: a long time ago I used to work at some place that only had a tractor clock, like it was a regular clock but instead of numbers it had pictures of tractors
BurnedToast: and the guy I worked with always gave me ♥♥♥♥ because I couldn't read the tractor clock
BurnedToast: and that's what the ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ tribes of midgard clock reminds me of

Torus: The hot dog was a hard act to follow. It had everything. Drama, sex appeal, an uplifting message that reaffirms our lives.

Res: do you think that guy was a real clam harvester or just a paid actor they stuck in -10 degree water

SenorBeef: if I could dominate asian women 1/10th as hard as I dominate asian men I'd be livin the dream

BurnedToast: man looking at the pictures of the rabbits on the rabbit meat website did not make me want to order rabbit meat

BurnedToast: ちんぽが痛いよ!

Resolute Guardian: I was looking up to see if there was ever a case of spiders laying eggs in butts
MuttonTime*:・゚✧: why would you do this
Resolute Guardian:

SenorBeef: I wish you were just gay or into dogs or something so I didn't have to be ashamed to know you

BurnedToast: Be me
BurnedToast: at japanese airport
BurnedToast: cutie japanese girl asks me if I have a cousin
BurnedToast: はい、ジャックだ
BurnedToast: *gets arrested*

Sergei Nohomo: Think of me as your have something sliding out of your anus

Dani: *angry asian noises*

Res: with a face and tits like that, she could have a rotating sawblade for a crotch for all I care

MuttonTime*:・゚✧: mfw eating this delicious salad
Veridicus: You have the most pathetic life imaginable

Dani: HOLY ♥♥♥♥

Torus: Did you just give me a game key to bad rats again?
Torus: Because ♥♥♥♥ you if so

Resolute Guardian: thank god I just put that sack of pumpkins down before they hit me
Resolute Guardian: if I dropped it one more ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ time I was going to go to the grocery store and start punching lettuce

3:14 AM - Resolute Guardian: maybe cucumbers are secretly unevolved snakes imo

BurnedToast: 変態だ!Tiddy milkを飲もうとするな!

SenorBeef: ark is like the most thorough rape simulator ever not to come out of japan

Resolute Guardian: the beatles weren't overrated at the time
Resolute Guardian: I'm saying it's overrated to listen to them now

MuttonTime*:・゚✧ achieved HuniePop: Bestiality

Resolute Guardian: I'd totally want a sheep riding trophy today

Dani: also hot cartoon girls imo

SenorBeef: that engine is smooth as a baby's vagina
SenorBeef: perfect input response
SenorBeef: which is something I'm super anal about

Resolute Guardian: do you think you could love a woman if she had a functional ass where her tits should be, and tits where her ass should be?
SenorBeef: yeah that seems like no problem
SenorBeef: I have bigger flaws than that
Resolute Guardian: got ♥♥♥♥ nipples?
Resolute Guardian: actually seems like that'd be a match made in heaven

Resolute Guardian: nothing to get you in the fapping mood like freezing to death covered in bees

Veridicus: SWEET SWEET ♥♥♥♥♥ IN MY MOUTH

Dani: brown schoolgirls in thigh highs.

Resolute Guardian: I often ponder how the squidpickles came to be so squid and pickle like

Dani: and all she responds with is a sigh of disappointment


4:20 AM - Resolute Guardian: one of our family friends played french horn
4:20 AM - Resolute Guardian: he died
4:20 AM - Resolute Guardian: sad_trombone_muttonstory.mp3

Torus: I don't think anime schoolgirls are a crop you can grow

MuttonTime*:・゚✧: the ♥♥♥♥ are you doing over there
Resolute Guardian: balloon battle D:<

Dr. Hexxus Bird: You get exiled to an island of monsters and criminals and you get to choose your crime.
Dr. Hexxus Bird: I chose buggery, and so far all I've seen are half/full naked men, so this isn't really a punishment so much as a gift from the anal gods

Resolute Guardian: he's fallen into a potatoslumber without even eating his prunes tonight
Resolute Guardian: what do I do with myself now
SenorBeef: see how close you can get to touching his ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ without him waking up

Torus: Why do I ever click on links you send me
Torus: There is never a positive outcome.
Torus: Hot dog video excepted

Dani: yer i hear kangaroo meat is like the best form of red meat but like you need to battle a kangaroo for it n ♥♥♥♥
Dani: pretty sure all the kangaroo meat in our stores is roadkill imo
Dani: only way it makes sense
Dani: no one is crazy enough to 1 v 1 a kangaroo so we ambush them wiht our cars and hopefully they die on impact
Dani: otherwise we run away before they get up

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Veridicus 6 Sep, 2021 @ 12:07am 
Give This Retarded Unicode Image To Everyone You Care About,
See If You Can Piss Them Off By Spamming This On Their Profiles~
Veridicus 5 Nov, 2019 @ 4:34pm 
Hey you turkey slut! It's HOEvember and you know what that means? Time to gobble gobble on a big ol' ♥♥♥♥. Our main ♥♥♥♥♥ Christopher Columbus and those slutty pilgrims had to ♥♥♥ to America in search of new ♥♥♥♥♥ to suck. Send this to 10 of your sluttiest prilgrim ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ or you won't get any sweet gravy this year. Get 5 back and you are an official mashed potato hoe. And remember, the most important thing about Thanksgiving is remember that Epstein didn't kill himself.
SenorBeef 28 Nov, 2018 @ 2:40am 
Mutton: like designing snowplows to be used on indian designated ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ streets and just making a slow moving tidal wave of curry poop that rolls glaciar-like over the lower castes trying to relieve themselves
Slimie Comet 30 Jul, 2018 @ 8:08am 
Enjoy your purchase! :crate:
SenorBeef 6 Jun, 2018 @ 3:32am 
3:29 AM - MuttonTime*:・゚✧: nah eskimo are the ones you gotta bring to life yourself
3:30 AM - MuttonTime*:・゚✧: like that documentary song Frosty the Snowman
3:30 AM - SenorBeef: oh right
3:30 AM - MuttonTime*:・゚✧: a cautionary tale of the misuse of coal and carrot
3:30 AM - SenorBeef: is global warming going to melt the eskimos?
3:31 AM - MuttonTime*:・゚✧: if god is merciful yes
SenorBeef 2 Jun, 2018 @ 1:32am 
1:29 AM - MuttonTime*:・゚✧: feminine lookkng penis through the gloryhole so I thought I'd take a chance