Speeltijd afgelopen 2 weken:

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15 van de 15 (100%) prestaties behaald:
Persoonlijke prestaties

First Arrest

Arrest your first suspect or civilian
Ontgrendeld op 30 jun 2023 om 9:04

The War

Complete ‘Thank You, Come Again’, ‘Rust Belt’ and ‘Twisted Nerve’ at C+.
Ontgrendeld op 23 feb om 5:00

The Decaying City

Complete ‘Elephant’, ‘Relapse’ and ‘Neon Tomb’ at C+.
Ontgrendeld op 1 mrt om 11:56

The Left Behind

Complete ‘Carriers of the Vine’, ‘Sins of the Father’, ‘Ides of March’, and ‘A Lethal Obsession’ at C+.
Ontgrendeld op 1 mrt om 11:26

The Abducted

Complete ‘Buy Cheap, Buy Twice', ‘Hide and Seek', 'Ends of the Earth’, and 'Greased Palms’ at C+.
Ontgrendeld op 2 mrt om 0:25

The Exploited

Complete ‘The Spider’, ‘Valley of the Dolls’, ‘Sinuous Trail’, and '23 Megabytes a Second' at C+.
Ontgrendeld op 23 feb om 3:30

Medal of Valor

Complete all levels at S.
Ontgrendeld op 8 mrt om 10:06

The World

Complete Ready or Not in Ironman mode.
Ontgrendeld op 10 mrt om 0:24

The Hermit

Complete Ready or Not in Ironman mode without losing a single officer.
Ontgrendeld op 10 mrt om 0:24

The Hanged Man

Complete Port using only a taser, flashbangs, and bash.
Ontgrendeld op 9 mrt om 1:58

Way Out West

Complete Coyote using only .357 Magnum as a weapon.
Ontgrendeld op 9 mrt om 0:19

The Devil

Use the secret command for your SWAT team (kill me command)
Ontgrendeld op 8 mrt om 6:29

The Magician

Arrest a downed suspect only to find out they were faking it.
Ontgrendeld op 22 feb om 9:05

The Fool

Be killed by a civilian.
Ontgrendeld op 10 mrt om 0:35

Due Process

Incapacitate a suspect with a C2 charge.
Ontgrendeld op 9 mrt om 5:13