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投稿日: 12月8日 11時01分
更新日: 12月12日 20時36分

Huntdown is all the fun you can expect as a side-scroll shoot 'em up, but with added depth of 2.5D dodging (imagine that characters can dodge into and out of another lane), suppressing fire, on-hit stumble (especially w/ melee), and a small degree of movement dash.

The game has a surprising variety of main weapons, secondary weapons (nade, molotov, etc), enemy types, and bosses, especially bosses' behavior and how each boss fight is set up. It's also really nice that there is a noticeable change in the map theme/layout as you progress onward to different areas.

With some satisfying onslaught moments on top of excellent art and sprites, I'd say this game is very enjoyable and worthy to get even at the full price (~10$ USD), close to Metal Slug 3 but without the alternative routes for additional replayability. 8.5/10!!
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