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发布于:2015 年 9 月 18 日 下午 5:27

ahmm, i was so afraid to try this game when i saw all those negative reviews O.o
but, i'm glad i did .. as a counter-strike 1.6 player i like this game so much
it's not pay 2 win, you just need to have some skills, there is a lot of new & cool weapons (tbh there is many crappy guns too :p) & a lot of fun mods, there is Families and Clans (but sadly i can't find any "english speaking" one on EU servers).
i like the missions idea but it's still needs a lot of work, i found some bugs but it's not a big deal, i have good ping most of the time (80~60), no lag & i still can play the original 1.6 mod here & ofc it's free :D
what i hate about this game ? the main menu is stuck in a 4:3 resolution (this is really sucks) & it's banned on some countries, some mods are boring/buggy (like when you play soccer sometimes the ball stuck & you can't do anything "you can't win or lose, just leave the room") the guns are for limited time, you have 0.001 (not really but i feel it like that) chance to get a permanent one (this sucks too), & the vote kick was removed so ...
i won't speak about graphics bcs i'm a cs 1.6 player ! it's not bad for me, i like it !
anyways, i recommend this game only to players like me, it's a really nice game
and remember : don't judge it regarding to the bad or good reviews, you need to try it by yourself first
Ps: i know many will thumb-down this review :/ pls don't ..
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