okay so you found my profile...congrats..(instense clapping)
anyway here are somethings I'd like to say before you decide to add me:

1- comment me first before adding me...just give me a reason.

2- If you're gonna add me just so you can get a pony model..please don't.

3- Don't expect me to say hi first all times...cause I don't beg for attention.

4- Obviously if your steam level is below 2 then it's the blocked world for you.

5- I hate making promises.

6- If you're gonna say the same things day by day then you'll probably start noticing me ignoring you unless you have something new to talk about.

7-Like everybody I have a life to attend to most times so don't expect me to be online 24/7.

8-No drama.

So if you're still somehow interested in adding me then welcome to the brutal train ^^".

Youtube Channel:

"The moon rises red.
For it will be your dread.
Blood trickles from your threads.
For you were a threat.
Brutal is his name
For the enemy will be slain.
For you must pray to not be victim of his pain.
Or it'll be the price you'll pay."

Lunar wrote this down :
Vetrina del Collezionista
Brutal-M4 18 mar, ore 12:29 
Broly kun!
Birds in crime 12 mar, ore 20:43 
Brutal-M4 30 ago 2023, ore 3:55 
I don't even know who you are.
SuperDuperSeb 27 ago 2023, ore 15:27 
-rep virgin autist
Brutal-M4 23 lug 2023, ore 14:13 
Thank you fellow human.
Sentinel 23 lug 2023, ore 13:59 
Happy Birthday! :cleancake: