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ReCoil 5 Jan @ 10:25am 
ReCoil 4 Oct, 2024 @ 4:05am 
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ReCoil 29 Sep, 2024 @ 8:57am 
Дoбpoго вpeмени суток, друг! Это модepaтор caйта P0rnHub.
Haпоминаем, что вы не заходили на caйт вот уже 3 дня, мы пpocто peшили убедиться, что с caмым большим донатepoм нашего сайта всё в порядке. С момeнтa вашего пocледнего визита мы обновили ваш любимый paздел Гей-Пopно с кучей видео, которые обязательно вам понpaвятся. Приятного просмотра!
NuKKeK 3 Sep, 2024 @ 5:28am 
Kelerdred 16 May, 2024 @ 11:46am 
Let's score some wins today!
NuKKeK 8 May, 2024 @ 4:24am 
My name is Walter Hartwell White. I live at 308 Negra Arroyo Lane, Albuquerque, New Mexico, 87104. This is my confession. If you're watching this tape, I'm probably dead, murdered by my brother-in-law Hank Schrader. Hank has been building a meth empire for over a year now and using me as his chemist. Shortly after my 50th birthday, Hank came to me with a rather, shocking proposition. He asked that I use my chemistry knowledge to cook methamphetamine, which he would then sell using his connections in the drug world. Connections that he made through his career with the DEA. I was... astounded, I... I always thought that Hank was a very moral man and I was... thrown, confused, but I was also particularly vulnerable at the time, something he knew and took advantage of. I was reeling from a cancer diagnosis that was poised to bankrupt my family.