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2 people found this review helpful
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12.0 hrs on record (11.3 hrs at review time)
TL/DR: Very fun, if not very innovative, PVP shooter with a strong foundation. Whether it is able to grow into something special remains to be seen.

If you're a fan of Destiny PVP, but don't have the time/interest in grinding for the best weapons to stay competitive, then you'll love this. Lots of Destiny DNA in here, even plenty of fun lore entries for those that like to read supplemental story stuff. Lots of movement + abilities feel taken straight from the crucible.

Mechanically, the game has a great foundation and while apparently not for everyone I'm a big fan of the art style. Has a similar vibe to the art direction Alien franchise in the "sci-fi but make it kinda ♥♥♥♥♥♥" that I love, but trade Alien's grim realism for bright colors and lightheartedness. Characters as a whole all feel pretty balanced and worthwhile using, without anyone necessarily feeling MUST HAVE in all scenarios.

Something the game does that's notably different from others in its genre are stacking passive perks that you gain by switching character archetypes throughout a match, which encourages swapping up your heroes and strategically earning buffs that will most benefit the next character. Several characters also have an emphasis on deployables, which unlike most games of its ilk do not go away when you switch hero's or die. A complete valid strategy is to pick a character with the sole purpose of littering the field with their gadget before swapping to one you're more comfortable with for combat.

Unfortunately, it really does seem like just a solid foundation currently. The game type variety is pretty lacking and none of the game modes feel like they fit thematically as a crew running jobs together. I'd love to see some game types that are maybe multi-objective or feel more "job" oriented (defend/attack heist style missions, escort/assassinate a VIP, etc).

One other area that could be improved is in round banter between characters, or specifically the current lack thereof. One character will say a line at the beginning of a round, but that's about it. Mimicking Overwatch's storytelling through in round character dialogue/banter would be a smart play, especially if they're wanting to lean into narrative like it seems.

Other QOL of things that would go a long in no particular order:
  • Better Ping system
  • Ability to Multi-queue for game modes
  • Longer rounds (they frequently feel like they're ending just as they heat up)
  • Better skins to chase, currently only one skin is interesting per character, with the rest just palette swaps.

Despite a laundry list of things that could be improved and added I can't stress enough though that the game is FUN. In it's current state I'm still finding myself wanting to jump in one more match and learn how to use a new hero better. The game is good, but currently not great. The potential is there though, and ball is in the studios court to see how they handle updates and the live service elements of the game.
Posted 25 August, 2024. Last edited 25 August, 2024.
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2 people found this review helpful
1.4 hrs on record (1.0 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
Fun game with a ton of promise. Pretty much the only downside to this game currently is a lack of a solid player base. If you enjoy Depth, you'll definitely enjoy this game. Currently only has 2 game modes, TDM and a coop Survival Mode, and more modes are planned.

  • Sharks
    The sharks are well coded and add a lot of tension to the traditional TDM fare. Always fun when the music spikes in letting you know a shark is hunting you, as you start frantically scanning the murky blue for the predator. Sharks don't always attack you, they're always there, but not necessarily always an enemy.

  • Projectiles are incredibly satisfying
    Considering you're shooting spears through water, you need to lead your targets a lot. This makes one on one fights sort of like a dance, as you both try and hit and out maneuver each other. This leads to there seldom being what could be described as a "cheap kill." Kills are earned, and are always satisfying when you nail a partifularly tough shot on an oppenent. Players looking for a shooter that requires some skill to excell will not be dissapointed here.

  • Graphics are superb
    Not much to elaborate on. While an early access game in content, it definitely doesn't look like one. Levels are detailed, models are nice, and the lighting is great. If you find yourself wishing Depth did a better job capturing the look and feel of being underwater, you should be happy here.

  • Fantastic Developer Support
    This is a big one. This game is being developed by 2 people who are very passionate about this game. They are always looking for player feedback and will respond to any questions or suggestions you have. If you're having trouble finding someone to play with, just ask JonesJonesie one of the developers and he'll gladly play some rounds with you. My interactions with the developers of this game foster a lot of faith in that they will do whatever it takes to make this a good game that people enjoy. It's clear they will continue to support this game well into the future, this is their baby.

  • Lack of player base
    Despite how much good there is in this little game, this is presently a pretty huge con. I tend to pop in whenever I sit down on my computer and seldom is there a game currently going (which is why my play time is low, just not for lack of trying), and I've yet to be able to play a round with a full room. Hopefully, this won't be a problem in the long run, as it is a fun game when you can get a few people together and have at it underwater.

  • Weapon Variety/Customization
    If the ability to tune and customize your characters gear to your liking is going to make or break a game for you then this might not be the best time to jump into this game. More gear and weapons are planned, but at present there are only 2 guns (which are well done and satisfying in their own right). It does make the game fun in that it's a level playing field, but it does lead something to be desired in the way of variety. This will likely be remedied as development continues.
For the price, this is a great little game that deserves a much larger player base. Hopefully this game catches on and the community can thrive as it deserves.
Posted 22 August, 2015. Last edited 22 August, 2015.
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