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Publicada: 15 dez. 2015 às 19:00

With all the popular negative reviews I was kinda weary about the game... But once I played it for myself, I thoroughly enjoyed playing every minute of it so far, and I'm looking forward to the next chapters! It's still got issues to iron out sure, but I think it has potential of being a great game to play!
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8 comentários
quasar (OutPhase) 4 jan. 2016 às 11:47 

Should I post a link to the tabletop RPG I'm working on in part? Because that's actual game development work coming from yours truely.

Just because I have no games on Steam does not make I'm not making them.
Hassat Hunter 21 dez. 2015 às 23:49 
You're as much a game developer as me; NOT.
quasar (OutPhase) 21 dez. 2015 às 15:11 
And especially don't mind the review written by an actual game developer and furry. Don't mind it at all.

@Luki: Your review is rather vague and general. Who would want to play this game? What aspects of it are so good? Can you think of anything that bothered you about the game?
Maxine T. Tigress 20 dez. 2015 às 21:21 
Don't mind the "most helpful" reviews. Most of them are being bombarded by trolls.
Hassat Hunter 17 dez. 2015 às 16:55 
And he will shrug, think you're an idiot and move on... wow, that will help much!
TokyoGabagool 17 dez. 2015 às 16:50 
Oh no you misunderstand me, ya know sense there is another game that this game was "inspired" by. Don't you worry your pretty little head, Atlus (Creators of Persona 4) will know of Klace's shenanigans. ^.^
Luki SnowyTail 17 dez. 2015 às 16:48 
Because I actually like a game? Its a wasted troll attempt, but I applaud you for trying. :3
TokyoGabagool 17 dez. 2015 às 16:36 
Shove your nose up deeper into Klace's bunghole why don't ya? ;3